I have not read of these behaviours. Often my left hand is glued to my side hip or i put it on my right chest. I catch myself seeing my hand stuck there, It feels reassuring. Does anyone else experience this.
When I walk i feel as if I am drunk. My brain thinks that I am changing pace, falling from one foot to the other, going sideways, going fast then slow but my walk looks ok to another. I don't feel connected to the ground, feel spaced out, disconnected. The other day I was with my family sitting on a bench. We all got up, they walked straight ahead while I walked in a semi circle before joining them. I could not explain why. It just happened.
I cant follow complex thoughts, like a series of directions, I can't remember past the first 2 instructions. I can no longer do math sums in my head. I used to be very good at that.
I am waiting for my appointment with a movement disorder specialist. Waited 1 year already, 2 more months to go. Have seen a few doctors, not one has tested me thoroughly.
I started with fatigue over the last 5 years. I was a competitive swimmer, good cyclist. Exhausted after swims or rides, had to cut back severely. My walk has changed, left hand hangs by my side, get tired easily, finger taps or toe taps on my left side freeze after 7 reps, right side is normal. Changed from IBS -5 BM's every day to constipation. Last few months RBD has set in so a lack of sleep is happening.
The only thing worse, than a Diagnosis of Parkinsons is having PD but no diagnosis. At present I cant access any help.
Does anyone else have similar experiences?