There are trials going on in the UK and elsewhere about the repurposing of the drug ambroxol in the treatment of Parkinsons. I am duplicating their dose of 1.2 g/d to see if it helps my PD. They have already proven that this high dose is well tolerated. I am wondering if anyone has any info of the efficacy of this drug.
Ambroxol: There are trials going on in the... - Cure Parkinson's

Hubby is taking it at a much lower dose at the dose recommended when bought over the counter and it may be helping even at that dose but impossible to pin down improvements to any one thing. He takes 2 tablets twice a day.
Research has shown that a much higher dose is required to help PD. See this link for I wish your husband well
Hi yes I did read up about it at the time but I started him on that low dose and it seemed to help and I didn’t want to try the clinical trial dose with no supervision of dr. And our dr wouldn’t be likely to want to participate. He has had genetic testing which has not come up with any genes for Gaucher’s so I decided to stay low. Also there are lots of other supplements he takes so didn’t know if any interact and costs are adding up!
I decided to start taking it about 2 montha ago, low dose as the most I could buy is Ambroxol 75 Heumann Capsules on Amazon, I have no idea if it is helping, would have to stop in a month or so to see if there is a change. I would like to be able to get a higher dose tablet, I take 2 a day but think I need to take higher dose. I am still off all meds,
You can get as many boxes as you want from Repositioned Pharmaceuticals (google them) and sometime Amazon has them. But you have to take a lot of pills because they are 30mg. Let me know how you are doing.
Found them, thanks. They are out of stack at the moment. Have you a link to them on Amazon, I´m not having any joy
Just checked amazon. They have one carton left right now
i cant find it, amazon uk?
I am in the US. We must not get the same Amazon. I see several categories. What you need is Ambroxol 30 mg. I am taking 10 pills 4 times a day. I buy mine from Repositioned Pharmaceuticals but their website is down right now. I have been getting a big box every month, mailed form Germany. Good luck. 😀
I progressed to the full dose and had it for a few months. There were initial improvementsI would have continued except some other medical problem came up and I had to stop it so as not to complicate the situation
I didn’t have any untoward side effects
To be cautious - my doctor oversaw it and he would send me for periodic liver function tests and other blood works
Kindest regards
I would like to take Ambroxol too but the highest dose available is 75mg tabs so that would be 16tabs daily. I would have to buy it myself as my Gp wouldn’t prescribe it. Any tips On how are you managing to do it please?
An afterthought: Don't know where you live but here in the USA they are not available and must be purchased abroad. I get mine shipped from Germany by a company called Repositioned Pharmaceuticals Limited, 300 tablets for about $62.00. Could I ask where you are getting the 75mg pills? It may be a better deal. Thanks.
It is only available in low dosage. Actually I am taking 10 30 mg four times a day. I haven't heard of any higher dose than 75. Good luck
Hi all, are any of you still taking the Ambroxol? It would be great to know how it is going and sny improvements you have seeen. Many thanks.