6 week dietary detox. Anyone want to join... - Cure Parkinson's

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6 week dietary detox. Anyone want to join me? My goal is to have as optimum a diet as possible as part of my personal wellness program.

38 Replies

Tomorrow I am starting what I call my Optimum Self Care Dietary Detox. The impetus is to slow (hopefully stop) PD but I prefer to tell myself it is for “optimum wellness.”

(If you want to tell me I’m delusional for thinking my diet can stop PD, please consider it as a coping skill. my self talk includes telling myself I can stop my PD from progressing. Realistic or not, it helps motivate me to take the best care of myself.)

I will be doing this regimen from Sunday April 3rd to May 15th.

Would anyone want to join me? What food addiction would you like to overcome? Or what nutrient would you like to commit to adding?

Over a year ago I successfully overcame my addiction to gluten, grains, and added sugar by committing to 6 weeks abstinence. Initially I tried committing to just 4 weeks but at the end of 4 weeks I still had the cravings and this looming urge to eat gluten (refined carbs) and sugar. I have found that if I can make it 6 weeks the feeling of “needing it” had subsided and it’s really freeing!

For this six week cleanse I’m going to finally overcome my addiction to dairy. And I’m going to abstain from the gluten free, grain free snack foods I have recently let occasionally creep in.

My personal Optimum Self Care Detox:

No grains

No dairy (except 1/4 cup goat or sheep yogurt) cheese has been my downfall and what I’m finally kicking!

No added sugars. I indulge in dark chocolate which has added sugar but for the 6 week detox I will abstain.

Only low glycemic fruits (berries, apple peels and kiwi skin)

No prepared foods (no more of the gluten free grain free chips that taste like cardboard anyways)

No nuts or seeds (I will add these back after the 6 week period but I need to overcome my urge to over consume them.)

What I will eat on my Optimum Self Care Detox:

Coffee & matcha

Daily protein ( at least one source) salmon, salmon roe, eggs, liver, grass fed beef, chicken, Turkey)

Fat: Daily MCT, olive oil, fish oil, ghee (for cooking) and avocados

Veges veges veges , herbs, spices, berries, lemons, and kiwi

I will have one sweet potato a week (high in carbs and oxalates)

Daily fermented food

And I will be eating in a maximum of a 6 hour eating window.

So that’s the summary of what I’m committing to for the next 6 weeks. I will also be doing an exercise program.

Would anyone like to join me with their own detox? We can encourage each other! 😊

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38 Replies
Bolt_Upright profile image

Good for you CC. I would join you but I already eat pretty clean: Broccoli and Radish sprouts, meat, eggs, canned fish, tomatoes, brewers yeast, and some hard cheese. I do have a teaspoon of honey with my Nigella Sativa powder. And a little pomegranate juice. And some fruit and nuts (and peanut butter). Okay, that is about it.

Good luck (I thought you were looking for people for a 6 week fast) :)

in reply to Bolt_Upright

BTW I fast too! 72 hours so far. My sugars bottomed out so I wasn’t sure what to do so I ate. But I want to do a week fast. Once I have a new glucose monitor I will.

I eat really clean too. (Compared to the average bear)Anything you want to commit to adding or subtracting from your diet for 6 weeks? 😀.

For me it is cheese. No cheese for 6 weeks!

I’m proclaiming it bc accountability helps me!

Nigella Sativa powder. I need to look that up (refresher)

I use pomegranate juice powder. Pomegranate juice is so expensive!

Bolt_Upright profile image
Bolt_Upright in reply to

Wow, powder is much cheaper! Thanks! amazon.com/Organic-Pomegran...

in reply to Bolt_Upright

And this is a much cheaper way to activate the NRF2 pathway than the broccoli pills or sprouts (unless growing your own) Powders are why I need a little goat milk yogurt.

park_bear profile image
park_bear in reply to

How much do you take and has it made any difference?

rescuema profile image
rescuema in reply to Bolt_Upright

That's what I've been using. I add it to my whole organic lemon or lime smoothie along with other low-sugar berries and fruits on an alternate basis.

in reply to rescuema

I never know when I can have my acids; lemon and ACV. I think they could decrease the bioavailability of polyphenols and flavonoids? I always have fat (MCT and Fish oil) close to the same time as my powders. And then there is the fermented food dilemma as well. And then how do I time that with probiotics?

Confusing juggling act.

I do all this while meditating whilst jumping on my trampoline blindfolded. 😂 (last sentence joking of course with my nerd humor. 🤓)

rescuema profile image
rescuema in reply to

I take them with food because increasing the stomach acid can help with food digestion in addition to hydrochloric acid which tends to decrease as you age. Once ingested, they help alkalize the body. lol, I've tried rebounding with my eyes closed, and I don't recommend it without a safety bar!

in reply to rescuema

Okay, the lemons will be ingested with the meal. Literally, so glad to know that. When do you take probiotics (if you take them)

Spacing / timing all this is so challenging.

rescuema profile image
rescuema in reply to

I don't take probiotics anymore. I try to grow diversity through sprouted grains and a varied diet. When taking it to address dysbiosis or after antibiotics exposure, you should take it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach or before going to bed.

in reply to rescuema

That definitely optimum long term and what I hope for. Thank you for the timing info! That is when I have been taking them which caused the lemon water conundrum but now that my lemons are with my food, problem solved. My breakfast can outgross your breakfast btw! ☺️ It’s not always the exact same but today was goat milk yogurt with matcha powder, cinnamon, Moringa, TMG, and a tablespoon of Mct oil. Chased that with a tablespoon of fish oil. I celebrate getting all that over with with 2 Brazil nuts. Then I usually have a vege smoothie with wild blueberries or pomegranate powder which I’ve been adding the freeze dried beef kidney and 3 tablespoons of dried parsley. Ideally I jump on my trampoline before this dietary undertaking because jumping after hasn’t been such a good idea. 🙃.

Maybe the daily goat or sheep yogurt is a bad idea but I have yet to figure out a better base for my powders (which my kids call Mommy’s green goo). I was putting the powders in my smoothie and I guess I should just resume that.

rescuema profile image
rescuema in reply to

Yum veg smoothie with fruits and beef kidney…🤮😂Curious how that’d taste but I prefer my organ meats neat. I suppose that’s a way to hide the flavor!😋

Be careful with lemon smoothies and use a straw to drink or the acid will erode your teeth enamel over time.

134A profile image
134A in reply to

Correct me if I’m wrong but if one is avoiding processed foods, wouldn’t all those powders and freeze dried foods be classified as processed?Just asking 🤔

rescuema profile image
rescuema in reply to 134A

It’s the processed and refined that you need to be more concerned about with pollluted and subtracted nutrition. Whole freeze dried fruits for phytonutrients for convenience should be fine.

134A profile image
134A in reply to rescuema


in reply to 134A

“Powders” I’m referring to are things like turmeric, cinnamon, matcha, Moringa ,pomegranate juice powder and the only freeze dried thing is the grass fed beef kidney. “Processed” in this context would be anything on the snack isle at the store.

park_bear profile image
park_bear in reply to

I suppose the average bear is pretty indiscriminate if there is access to human food.

Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply to Bolt_Upright

If you like fasting, you will find interesting the interview with Dr. Ettore Bergamini in the my last post as a reply. (Only for lovers of the genre).

park_bear profile image

Kiwi skins eh? Do you recommend them? I feed my Kiwi skins to the local critters. It never appealed to me to eat them. It would be easier to consume the entire Kiwi.

Blood oranges seem to be low glycemic. For apples I stick to Granny Smith. Among the berries, blackberries and raspberries seem to be glycemic. Blueberries are pretty sweet. Natural unsugared cranberries are very low glycemic.

in reply to park_bear

I put kiwi skins and Granny Smith peels in smoothies. (My kids eat the fruit) Wild blueberries are better but terribly expensive. Elderberry is one of the best Sirt 6 activators bc of the Cyanidin content but I don’t know the best means of getting them. Do you?

park_bear profile image
park_bear in reply to

My source for elderberries, dried:


They do have to be cooked to remove the toxicity.

in reply to park_bear

I’ve never had them. I’m concerned they are toxic until cooked. Not a positive sign.

Regarding difference with Moringa; not a clue.

I’m doing so much it’s impossible to know at this point. My symptoms are a little different than a year ago but not worse.

rescuema profile image
rescuema in reply to

Kiwi skin is extremely high in oxalates. I avoid Kiwis for this reason. 😢

"Peeling the fruit can help reduce this effect, since there is a high concentration of oxalates in the skin. However, raphides are also present in the flesh...

People with a history of calcium oxalate kidney stones may also want to avoid eating the skin of the kiwi, since it’s higher in oxalates than the inner flesh of the fruit"


in reply to rescuema

Oh! No mas kiwi for me! Thank you!

JJAJJ profile image
JJAJJ in reply to

Good luck with the diet, trust your skins are organic x

Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply to

IMO is better to use an apple “Reinette du Canada” because it is greener.

We grow it with zero pesticides because it doesn't need it.


Gioc profile image

Emh...no! My mom was Italian, she always told me “eat!” . Anyway, congratulations for the strong intention and I'm not kidding, I wouldn't make it.

I'm having breakfast with cappuccino and wholemeal croissants with chestnut honey and nuts and that's it. At the moment too far from your diet.

AaronS profile image

Sorry mate, already down to meat, eggs and vegetables only, 3-4 times a day

in reply to AaronS

That’s inspiring! That’s my goal! Meat, eggs, veges, dark berries and healthy fat. Aaron, knowing I’m not the only one is inspiring. Thank you!

glenandgerry profile image

CC you've inspired me. I've gotten into the habit of eating very badly these past few weeks (probably due to stress) and it's high time I did something about it!I don't have Parkinson's but care for my husband who does. He seems to have given up caring about his health and diet, and eats appallingly; even though I try my best to encourage him otherwise. The past few weeks I've found myself joining him in these bad habits.

I won't be as radical as you but really need to cut out sugar and gluten where possible.

Thank you for giving me a 'kick start' 😊

jocelyng profile image

A few years ago, I watched a seminar that talked about six inflammatory categories of foods: meat, soy, sugar, corn, gluten and dairy. The idea was to eliminate it drastically reduce three. I chose gluten, dairy and sugar. I don’t think it did anything for my PD symptoms, but I did lose some weight. Was thinking this morning that I’m going to go back to it. Definitely been having too much sugar. Feel gross.

in reply to jocelyng

I don’t think it will effect symptoms for most people but there is a lot of science showing it can increase one’s Healthspan which in our case should be slowed progression.

Godiv profile image

I’d love to join you. I am not prepared at all, but I could start by not eating sugar, which is my great addiction, and trying to stop eating after dinner.

in reply to Godiv

Baby steps! I like to pick one thing at a time like no eating after dinner. The sense of accomplishment helps build me up for the next change. And I always have a (non food) reward at the end of the finish line.

Godiv profile image
Godiv in reply to

Good thought, thank you!

Despe profile image


I wish you success. A KETO diet or caloric restriction also slow down progression. I am on a caloric restriction diet, not because I need it, I just don't feel hunger. I eat twice a day with no snacks in between. I prepare food from scratch almost every day, and that is Mediterranean. That's all I have known all my life. :) Hubby followed my diet ever since we got married, and he still got PD, although I strongly believe it was/is stress related.

Astra7 profile image

Good luck. I should join you by avoiding chocolate but it’s pull is too strong!

Missy0202 profile image

I wish I had the willpower to join you. Organic plant based and gluten free is where I am right now. I will let you take the lead and keep inspiring me to do better in the future :)

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