People with Parkinson’s experienced an alarming decline in their physical and mental health during the pandemic, new research has revealed.
Covid pandemic was ‘catastrophic’ for peo... - Cure Parkinson's
Covid pandemic was ‘catastrophic’ for people with Parkinson’s with a huge worsening of symptoms

Has anyone had worsening of symptoms with the Pfizer vaccine? My hubby was doing so well for about 9 months then quite rapidly deteriorated back to his former state with no apparent reason. Only differences are stress with covid starting to take off in nz and also having the vaccine which might be totally unrelated.
Hi. Yes! After the first pfizer vaccine I had a few really good days and then a steady noticeable decline over a few weeks. There was a definite decline in my overall movement, and worsening of tremor. Knowing that it could be coincidental with having a vaccine I journaled everything.When I got the second vaccine I had exactly the same symptoms.
I'm waiting to see my neurologist and get advice about taking a booster or not.
What a survey of Parkinson's patients shows
De León is not alone in having the pandemic and the virus wreak havoc on her physical and emotional well-being. A survey by the Michael J. Fox Foundation of more than 7,209 patients in spring 2020 found that, among other things, those with PD who contracted COVID-19 experienced new or worsening motor and non-motor symptoms at rates of 63 and 75 percent, respectively. The study also showed that patients with PD who didn't get COVID-19 but were exposed to the effects of lockdown and not able to participate in their normal activities experienced exacerbated motor and non-motor symptoms by 43 to 52 percent.
Very interesting results from the vaxination! I also experienced some real problems with motor skills post vax.The lockdown affected me much differently, as it delayed my dx almost a year, and due to waiting to see the neurologist it essentially put me two years behind on doing anything to help specifically for Parkinson's.
It was always going to be damaging for PD patients, depriving them of social contact. I found the governments response to the pandemic immensely cruel and it was quite clear from the outset that the costs of the never tried before lockdowns would outweigh the benefits.
My own experience: worsening of symptoms after Pfizer booster shot 3 months ago. No remission yet
Those with PD who had the misfortune to be in the hospital at that time got to see a new low standard of care in action. I feel fortunate to have survived the hospital.
I have been MUCH worse since getting Covid. Eight weeks post infection I've recovered about 75% of my pre-Covid function.
I don't think we need any research to be aware that this pandemic has caused us all anxiety and setbacks one way or another, no matter what your condition was before. Let us all learn from this time and always be aware that the "fear" of something can often cause more damage than the something, itself.
Yes perhaps it was just the isolation and fear of COVID rather than the vaccine that caused the decline. Maybe just a coincidence it was at the same time. We have also had issues with our teenaged son being very inconsiderate at reckless over the past year and not caring if he catches it as he doesn't believe it's a real thing! So we can't feel safe in our own house.
Natural health. Com has information about covid and the vaccines. Interesting information