Have not heard of this option before: Electroconvulsive Therapy Intervention for Parkinson’s Disease ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/a...
Our review of the literature supports the use of ECT as an effective treatment for alleviating refractory motor symptoms in people with PD. However, clinicians who treat PD rarely consider ECT as an acceptable treatment option.15 Much of the literature supporting its use in patients with PD is in the form of case reports, and there is a tendency for only data with positive results to be published.7 There has only been one controlled, double-blinded investigation of ECT in patients with PD.22 In most of the case reports, there is a dearth of a consistent clinical evaluation in symptom changes, making comparison between case studies impossible. In addition, treatment methods differed in electrode placement, number of ECT sessions, and the electrical stimulus parameters, which further limit data comparisons.4
Stigma surrounding the use of ECT may be a reason for underutilization by clinicians in patients with PD, as well as a lack of knowledge about the mechanism of action of ECT.6 Another potential concern clinicians may have is the inability to predict how long the beneficial effects of ECT therapy will last in patients with PD. If studies can show that efficacy is sustained for weeks to months, ECT could become a more accepted mode of treatment for certain patients with PD, including maintenance treatments that are scheduled at intervals tailored to the individual needs. Additional research is needed to clarify ECT parameters for application as well as ways to enhance efficacy for motorically impaired patients with PD.