I have developed dyskinesia and doctors tried reducing levodopa thinking I was getting too much but dyskinesia persisted.
Any advice about weaning off of levodopa ... - Cure Parkinson's
Any advice about weaning off of levodopa and starting amantadine.
I have lower limb dyskinesia from taking levaDopa. I have to stop LevaDopa entirely for it to disappear. So it's atypical though maybe more like di-phasic. I found CR Sinimet made it easier to live with. I take one 25/100 morning/afternoon/bedtime and currently snap them in two and take one hour apart (not recommended!). A DA Agonist might also be an option. I take 100mg Amantadine daily which helps a little. Best Kevin
Thanks Kevin. So much to learn. I have stopped sinemet completely(as of today) as per doctors instruction. I have no other motor symptoms.

I do not know how much you are taking. Please read my comment here and consider tapering instead of quitting cold turkey:
I have been tapering. Went to 1/2 tablet 3x a day. Then 1/2 tab twice a day (under doctors care) stopped entirely about a week later.
What type of dyskinesia was diagnosed? What were the doses before and after the change? How long after taking a levodopa pill did the dyskinesia start and how long after did it stop? If the dyskinesia starts about a hour after taking the dose, it is likely to be levodopa induced dyskinesia.
You might want to use the following app to help visualize the situation:
Chart looks intriguing but too complicated for me to fill out. I am in hospital and will ask the pharmacist here for help. Thanks