Have any of you used a neurotransmitter test ? If so did your neurologist use the information and adjust your medication?
Neurotransmitters tests : Have any of you... - Cure Parkinson's
Neurotransmitters tests

Can you provide more information about these tests?
The nutritionist/pharmacist that I am working with mentioned a neurotransmitter test throughDoctors Data. I think the website is
Both are listed on the box.It must be ordered by a doctor. It's a urine test that measures your neurotransmitters. Determines if any are deficient. He said the results are sent to the ordering dr along with how to correct any problems. It's probably not covered by insurance. I think it's between 295 and $400 .
Just wondering if anyone has used this test, did it provide any improvement, and if it helped .to improve any Parkinson's issues .My neurologist s weren't interested in checking it out. Thanks for your response.
Before I spent anything like that I'd want to he comfortable that neurotransmitters in urine are anything like a decent proxy for neurotransmitters in the relevant parts of the brain. And I'm not. There aren't even reliable blood tests for neurotransmitters and blood is literally flowing through your brain. There have been other discussions here about how serum levels are not reliable indicators of brain levels.
I think your neurologists disinterest is probably warranted.
You're right about that. I don't think there are any reliable tests for neurotransmitters in the brain. There's a blood-brain barrier that makes the rest of the body irrelevant. Our gut contains the majority of serotonin, for example.
I had pins stuck in my leg! Is that it

No it's a urine test to measure neurotransmitter.
There was a doctor named John Chrisler. He pushed testosterone injections or patches. He recommended urine steroids test. I had to collect all urine for 24 hours then sent it to a lab for the testing. He looked at the results and recommended a testosterone dose. Ultimately he committed suicide.
I developed BPH, benign prostate hypertrophy. I was prescribed Proscar, a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor. For some men the side effects were serious; Loss of libido, ED and breast enlargement. Remember Meatloaf in fight Club? A lot of men were using testosterone as directed by Dr Chrisler. Me included. It has nothing to do with PD, other than another doctor giving me bad advice.
A doctor who wanted a grand new vacation house or yacht?

Why did you have pins stuck in your legs? Was it accupuncture? Or did you have an EMG? There is also a test for acetylcholine that's done on your feet.
Results won't change your script.
Thanks for responding I thought it may uncover some issues that need attention.
I think it's worth knowing. Testing can help rule out some things or help diagnose a different problem. Not everything is PD related when you have PD.
Look at Vibrant Wellness test: vibrant-wellness.com/tests/...
My husband did a few years ago. It was the organic acids test. Doctors and neurologist here weren’t interested or didn’t know anything about it. It was interesting but I’m not sure it changed anything, although it did tell us he probably had a fungal or yeast infection which the naturopath treated. I think these things are just a point in time tests so possibly they vary day to day.
The most interesting test he had was the DNA one which showed which pathways are blocked. His seratonin and dopamine ones are and his b vitamins, and d vitamin pathways are not functioning at capacity. Also his liver doesn’t process pharmaceuticals well. At least this explained why he was as he is and why the antidepressants made him worse. It gave a list of things to avoid and which to take which I found useful. And DNA doesn’t change day to day (although epigenetics shows things can be turned off and on with lifestyle changes).
What was the DNA test called?Do you have to have a dr write a script or how can you get one?Thanks so much for the information.
Anyone can order a saliva test from ancestry.com and 23andme then you need to find a natural doctor who can order an opus23 analysis of the data file. You can also load the data files into eg a spreadsheet and search for gene SNPs yourself if you are researching specific conditions and there are a few free programs that can use your files but they aren’t very comprehensive and just choose a few common defects.
If you are interested in testing that provides some insight into you nutritional status and a snapshot of some health markers you may look here - Genova Nutritional Testing
"I just got the results of my Genova labs NutrEval test. If you're on Medicare, and your doctor orders it, Medicare pays for it. Chock full of information on nutrients, oxidative stress markers and other useful information..."
I had a negative DaTScan. I then independently ordered the blood test for catecholamines, my dopamine was below the level of detection. The hypothalamus and other brain structures besides the substantia nigra have dopamine neurons too.
You have a few choices. You can have a blood draw or collect a 24h urine for catecholamines. requestatest.com/catecholam...
I like the Neurotransmitter test from Vibrant Wellness. It's a very comprehensive test.
Here's the description for testing:
Does the doctor have to order the test? Does it measure brain neurotransmitters?
Nope, these are direct to consumer. For blood draws they have an inhouse physician sign the order and then you go to an independent lab (Quest or LabCorp). Neurotransmitters are tested indirectly in blood and urine.
What do you do with the results? Do they send them to you have you ever sent to your doctor? Does the ordering doctor interpret the test? Thanks for your help? What do they cost? Is it covered by insurance?
The results were for my own information, and no, doctor's are not typically receptive to patients ordering their own lab tests. If I find something amiss, I can self-treat or ask the doctor to repeat the test.
I'm a bit of a loose cannon for doctor's due to their persistent gaslighting. For example, I've had my cortisol level checked twice by two different clinics. My insurance was billed for these tests, neither clinic will release the test results. It's my belief that no one wants to validate hypothalamic failure.
These are my tests. I know that I own my medical records and they have to give me the results, it will take a lawsuit to get them. I'm independently testing my 24h urine. I have to pay cash out of pocket, but I'm guaranteed to get unbiased results.
My test results have been altered too. I caught the pulmonologist and cardiologist red handed at the hospital that injured me during surgery.
PM me and I'll help you figure it out.