41 year old, dx almost 3 years ago. My symptoms are pretty mild.Married, 2 kids and own a family tractor dealership with awesome employees that allow me to whatever I want. Everything in my life except PD is great!
Pd dx nearly killed me. I forgot how to live. As soon as I thought it was PD while getting dx, I went downhill fast. I have an iron will that helped me to be successful in life but was damning with PD. Was sure I would been disabled and have lost my mind within a few years.
I’ve seen psychologists that helped some. Results would only last a couple days if it worked at all. I would think about PD literally at least every hour. How am I not going to go insane?
About a month ago I started EMDR. I was very skeptical. It took a couple of weeks but it’s working. PD has not limited anything I can do right now, nothing! I would blow it completely out of proportion. EMDR helps to keep thing in perspective. It’s based on REM sleep. I’ve had the best month since I have been dx! I hope this helps someone who needs help!