More Light Therapy : - Cure Parkinson's
More Light Therapy

A press release from a company selling a handheld infrared laser for a couple thousand bucks.
Hadn't thought of putting my red light helmet over my stomach 20 min each frequency, The Symbyx uses a frequency in the 900s which is 100 higher than the helmet's 810 but it's certainly worth a try.
Yeah, my husband uses the helmet and the infrared mat across his belly at the same time. Hopefully it's doing something. He is pretty good about doing it and I'm thankful for that! So def give it a try.Cheers
Mel, when you say infrared mat,, what is this and what frequency? Where do I get one?
We got it from wellred, I'll try to share the
Many thanks. This at least is in my price range. I couldn't find any information about about the size of the mat. Could you let me know please. I assume the belt thing is to hold the mat in place on your body. Is this correct?
You might want to take a look at this - cheaper and can be wrapped around the waist/stomach. Cost is 180 bucks. Not an endorsement, but just sharing info.
has 660nm and 880nm lights.
Thanks John. This one looks great. Great price and long enough to go right around the waist.
Sincerely hope that it helps everyone. The need is to stay strong and healthy as long as one can, so that when there is a major breakthrough, everyone can bounce back to becoming healthy. I believe that in the next 3 to 5 years due to the advancement in technology and science - think AI, stem cell, Crisper, nanotechnology etc. - there is going to be either a functional cure or a sterilizing cure (borrowing the 2 terms as applied to HIV cure)
Bought one for my mother so that I can try it out on her stomach/gut area. Been using since 2 days. Belt Looks good and has both 660 and 880 nm wavelength lights in the ratio of 2:1, with a 20 minute auto off switch. Using it twice a day for 20 minute sessions each.
Hi John. My mat arrived from Amazon and have started using it on my gut. I then searched DGYAO's web page and came up with this helmet. Bit expensive for me but would certainly give the head a great workout. I believe my helmet from the Dorsett Men's Shed has been a major benefit but might just save up and get the DGAO head cover.
Helmet looks good. However, I built a helmet for my mother by ordering the components on the internet.
I use a mat over my abdomen then wrap it round my head