Yes, I'm linking to another forum. Very interesting read.
There is always hope! (PD as a systemic d... - Cure Parkinson's
There is always hope! (PD as a systemic disease)

Based on that link, it sounds like we are way overdue for a large high quality FMT study in the US!
On a related note, based on his mention of melatonin and manganese, melatonin has shown the ability to ameliorate some of the damaging effects of manganese.
Bolt, Thanks. But, what is an ND?
A naturopathic doctor who is trained as a primary MD and then also trained as a naturopathic doctor = ND.
And the most important thing about an ND is: They don't take insurance (at least that is the impression that I get).
The link between parkinsonism and and manganese is a well known quantity in neurological circles. I have to ask what planet these neurologists were residing on? Here are a couple of (many) links:
Here is an article from 2021...
"The typical manifestation of Mn overexposure is parkinsonism....."
I am similarly appalled.
I believe the problem is systematic - doctors are not trained to think they are trained to follow authority. Reference:
" The study found that respect for hierarchy, anger and fear, intimidation, and disillusion were key themes in participants' narratives of relationships with senior staff who oversaw their postgraduate training."
A search of standard of care for cervical dystonia discloses the standard of care is botulinum injection. Doctors are expected to follow the standard of care or risk consequences.
Essentially, the medical system enforces stupidity.
The results of this study may be more extreme than an 'average' hospital because the 'Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland' was the institution featured in the study. It is a 'known known' that surgeons are more sociopathic/psychopathic than your average doctor (who are more sociopathic/psychopathic than the average person). Also, I am not sure of the religious composition of the members of the Royal College of Surgeons but the 'do as I say or else' mentality reminded me of hierarchal Catholic thought. I was raised 'Catholic light' - I did not go to Catholic school, but the punitive mentality of those incharge at the College brought to mind nuns rapping the nuckles of students, etc.
I believe eliminating any toxin and stressor , then feeding properly and exercising you can gradually improve.
Interesting story - shows you incompetence of some doctors and points to the importance of monitoring vitamin D levels which can affect severity of PD - here are couple of articles on the subject translationalneurodegenerat...
The last article examines some blood biomarkers in PD severity prognosis with the following conclusion:
Reduced apolipoprotein A1, higher C-reactive protein, and reduced vitamin D were associated with worse baseline activities of daily living (MDS-UPDRS II).