How does gabapentin help Parkinson’s?
Gabapentin for Parkinson’s : How does... - Cure Parkinson's
Gabapentin for Parkinson’s

I think this study may answer your question.
Gabapentin for parkinsonism: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial
I use it for anxiety and it helps me greatly
It is usually for a side issue like restless legs and neuro type pain. I notice that the reference from Silverstrov is 1997. I wonder if there is more recent studies from this century.
I use it for my neuropathy and pain.
I had been taking Gabapentin for restless leg. When I first started having motor issues and researching, I came across information that said many cases of Parkinsons is misdiagnosed at first because parkinsonisms can be drug induced . Gabapentin was one of the drugs listed to cause this, in addition to anti psychotic and stomach motility drugs. I was happy to think my symptoms were drug induced and would eventually go away stopping the Gabapentin. The neurologist said no, I have Parkinsons and has never seen symptoms caused by Gabapentin, only anti psychotics, although I read otherwise. I stopped taking it immediately. Although I do believe I have Parkinsons, and hopefully nothing worse ( low dose C/L did nothing for me), I do not want to take the risk it may makes things worse or be causing more damage behind the scene. Just my two cents, and my experience 😊