There are three parts,
Brain Health. These three videos i think ... - Cure Parkinson's
Brain Health. These three videos i think would be of enormous interest, which i hope will stimulate a debate on brain health in general.
I want to thank you for posting these three links to Dr. Bergmans lectures where he talks about Alzheimer's, blood pressure and the fact that many doctors are treating us with indiscriminate use of drugs often causing further ill health. For instance, one of the videos mention that flu jabs contain mercury a known neurotoxin. Funny old thing that only last week was I offered a flu jab because I was in two at risk groups, my age and that I have parkinsons. I declined!
By bringing these three videos to our attention you have broadened the knowledge of those that view them and I note that Dr. Bergman has several other videos on Youtube which I intend to watch over the next few days. I am pleased that you have joined us on this site.
Thank you again.
I checked out that mercury claim. This is the info I found.
The type of mercury linked with nervous system damage is methyl mercury. Concerns over methyl mercury levels have led to recommendations that pregnant women avoid eating large amounts of certain types of fish, such as swordfish.
In contrast, the preservative thiomerosal is an ethyl mercury compound. it was taken out of almost all U.S. vaccines starting in 2001,
The injectable form flu vaccine is available in two ways — large bottles of it, which contain many doses, or small bottles, which contain an individual dose of the vaccine.
There is a tiny amount of thiomerosal in the multidose bottles. The preservative ensures that no bacteria will grow in the vaccine. The individual-dose bottles contain no thiomersal. People concerned about the compounds effects can ask their provider for an individual dose.
The nasal spray form of the flu vaccine contains no thiomerosal.
Thank you for the information you've found out. I do not know the date of the videos, perhaps they were quite old, even so with or without mercury I have always declined the flu jab except on two occasions and I finished those winters with a form of flu. I now try to build up my immune system to fight of flu, but accept that it may not always work, but that is a risk I'm willing to take.
I too am pleased...Thank you. I have not communicated with many people who fully embrace the idea that since our conventional medical system does not have all the answers about chronic disease, particularly this disease, that the search should not end there. We of course need to be cautious in sorting through all the information out there, but there is an awful lot that truly exposes the shortcomings of our traditional medicine and offers a lot of logical insight into options to deal with illness in more natural ways. Medication is not the only way to deal with illness, yet I don't know how many people actually reach outside of that box. trying to help my husband with his PD symptoms has been a real eye-opener to me. I found Dr. Perlmutter's newly released book, "Grain Brain" really informative in this respect and recommend it if you are interested in the power of nutrition in brain health. It is a reassuring read as it is packed with reference to scientific study - and yet his conclusions are yet to be fully embraced by the medical community at large. What we eat can activate genes that promote the growth of new brain cells and fat and just as Dr. Bergman said, fat and cholesterol are key. It may take a generation or two of new Dr.s before new knowledge becomes widely accepted, and I don't think any of us have that time to wait. There are so many unanswered questions surrounding PD. That does not mean that there are NOT answers....they just haven't been found yet. So keep looking!
Hello rtag
I've just subscribed to Dr. Perlmutter's channel on Youtube,
he did a interview with Dr. Mercola on Alzheimer's disease
that should be interesting.
Dr David Perlmutter is a neurologist who thinks outside of the box
in terms of neurological diseases and the like, which is a nice change.
Thanks for the heads-up on this subject rtag.
Hi vjessv...
Thanks for the interesting videos. I have already thrown out a few of my meds and plan to get rid of a few more of the more adictiive ones if I can.
whoa shakyj
Have you spoken to your neurologist or doctor about this? some medications can be quite hard to just stop taking, i hope you have thought this through.
I watched the first video. He sounded convincing at first but now I would like to find out more and especially find evidence that supports or refutes his assertions. Didn't he say 90% of people with PD had earlier experienced trauma? Where can we read the original study? Trauma in what part of the body? What about severity of the trauma or time between the trauma and onset of PD?
If you go to Dr. Erin Elster's website you will find all you need, she did a major study on this,
there also many stories on here of people stating there was head/neck trauma many years previously that might have contributed to this.
I also believe this to be a trigger for Parkinson's disease.

It is disappointing to find the references at the end of the study are all from last century 1934 - 1997 (and one 1999) Most significant advances have been made since then including a genetic connection.
Vjessv though you dont have PD yourself you obviously have a passion to help people with PD.

Thanks for this link. It is good to see that serious studies have been done. There is a lot to learn.
Hello Hikoi
You are right it is disappointing, i don't believe that this type of treatment for PD would
lead to more studies to see if there is a major connection between the nervous system and physical trauma
but there does seem to be a link however tenuous it may seem.
The pharmaceutical companies aren't interested so it would have to be researched on a much
smaller scale.
The question might be 'what has happened or what have we done to change our physiology
Thank you Hikoi, i have family that have PD also PSP, my family mean the world to me.
I have to keep looking.

You asked me in a previous post which I cannot locate now whether my husband experienced trauma before his onset. The answer is YES! I have always thought that the trauma he endured in the 8 months leading up to the onset of his symptoms was linked to his manifestation of the disease. I think that is why I am so passionate about looking at all the idea surrounding PD that are outside of the box. My husband had a very painful recovery from a hernia surgery, a bad reaction to the anesthetic. The pain from the hernia meanwhile masked a hip injury from which he continued to experience significant chronic pain even after the surgery healed. When he would massage the pain in his hip, his tremor would go wild. As soon as he removed his hand from the pain, the tremor would stop! While he was recovering from his surgery his father fell ill and died and his family suffered a very significant economical crisis. There was sooo much stress that year.
In addition, at the time of his onset, his chronic heartburn was at it's all-time worst plus he had bizarre inflammatory pain in his wrist which was not caused by an injury. We investigated gluten sensitivity (which has a strong neurological link) and he started a low sugar, low carb diet and candida detox protocol. The candida cleanse completely rid him of his heartburn which had plagued him for a decade and he had a bizarre detox reaction during which his inflammatory pain reared up intensely and then completely disappeared. Gone. There has been speculation on a link between candida and Parkinson's. The late Dr. Atkins spoke of it and here is an additional article:
Can the blood brain barrier be compromised by head trauma, by that also the nervous system?.
That being as well a physical stress.
Being diagnosed with Parkinson's now becomes an added constant Emotional stress.
Medications are TOXIC to the human body that now becomes a chemical stress.
That's a lot of stress and will take its toll on the human body.
People do not realize that all medications are toxic if not why are there side effects?
Where are the studies indicating that taking allopathic medication for any number of years is
actually of benefit despite their unwanted and negative side effects?
Can i just go back to the first video, at 7.43 he says 'abnormal position, abnormal movement, abnormal signals to the brain and its the nervous system that controls every function in the body, well I've read a lot of posts stating that they had a problem with their neck, or forward head posture.
How many people are there with this type of problem where there is a limited range of motion of the head and neck?
Does that slowly lead to problems with swallowing, eye and balance problems, dystonia, dizziness, inflammation of the neck causing the nerves in it to malfunction?
Maybe that's why there some is a blockage of sorts in the neck and the brain does not send and receive the signals
to and from the rest of the body.
Ten of the twelve cranial nerves that branch out into the whole of the body comes through the neck, head or neck trauma causing neurotoxins to infiltrate the brain and nervous system could be one of many different ways the nervous
system is attacked.
So many questions need answering yet there are no neurologists that can answer them in my opinion.