Going to dose with it soon.
Inbrija: Going to dose with it soon. - Cure Parkinson's
hi Roy, what r u dosing?
I've been using it, it works when you are off, for whatever reason, to much protein, stress ect...., make sure you have water and your favorite throat loszenges. Inhale really good, it's dry powder and sodium, makes you cough , I stopped for a bit, I think it aggravated my lungs and had a slight cough/my voice was scratchy. I'm using it again, I'm trying to use it only when I feel I really need it. I nebulized with saline, food grade hydrogen peroxide,3% and Iodine
I have this on hand helps clear lungs if sick. Also Corona virus. Dr. Mercola has a YouTube video with Dr brownsteins using a nebulizer.
Hi Roy, my neurologist gave me a box of this med But I haven’t had the nerve to try it yet. Did you end up trying it?
Read the information and decided not for me
Today, I have asked my doctor for a Inbrija prescription
Roy,I would love to hear what you think of it if you try it. I still haven’t tried mine.
I will post my experience. Watch for it.

Hi Roy, I was prescribed Inbrija over a year ago. Only used it a few times.... I didn’t have any problem with inhaling, coughed just a little but the issue was for me , my head felt heavy like I had hangover. I tried a few times with the same result but my dr would like me to continue to try it. Let me know how it goes for you. I’m thinking positive thoughts for you. Karen
First dose yesterday. Second dose this morning. No benefit.
First dose yesterday. Second dose this morning. No benefit.
I am sorry to hear that, Roy. It is disheartening when our meds are ineffectual.