I have heard some anecdotal cases of people doing Fasting, intermittent fasting and/or ketogenic diet to halt Parkinson’s. It seems the only *real* treatment that might work as a disease modifyer. Yes, it is incredible work, but does it work for the longer-term? Thank you in advance, and good luck to PD warriors all!
Fasting for Parkinson’s? Anyone out there... - Cure Parkinson's
Fasting for Parkinson’s? Anyone out there tried this? Or better yet succeeded?

I have been doing intermittent fasting for long time, usually 16 to 20 hours 5 days/week and believe it has many health benefits.
From first hand experience I know that it's one of the most helpful things I have tried.
Hey bass, thank you for the feedback on fasting. May I ask in what ways it has helped you? Are you still doing the Hinz protocol? Do you do fasting Along with ketogenic diet? Sorry for all the questions!
I try to do keto as much as possible, i do better if I avoid carbs and sugar. Ive been intermittent fasting for a year and while I still have good days and bad days, the good days are better than they have been and the bad days are fewer and further between. There are moments that i have little to no symptoms even long after meds have worn off. Overall, things are better. You can never predict how anyone will respond because everyone is different but i guarantee you will not be worse.
Im not doing the Hinz protocol anymore for money reasons
Bass how are you keeping your weight on?
Yes I combine intermittent fasting and low carb/borderline Keto diet and would say I’m doing well. (I have lost weight though which is not ideal for me but may be an added bonus for others).
After reading a PubMed on autophagy, I tried water fasting 2 days a week for 9 month with no obvious result.
I am now trying intermittent fasting (one meal a day - dinner). I began last month.
It seems more efficient, but that's too soon to tell.
I tried both with no obvious result
I have been doing IF 16 hour/7days a week for almost a year. I started because I was intrigued by autophagy and I wanted to lose a small amount of weight (painlessly). I lost the weight and have kept it off easily. Harder to gauge autophagy. I certainly do not feel worse than a year ago. I feel energetic even biking or boxing on an empty stomach (I choose not to eat until 1 pm). I am finally sleeping longer. I had some digestive issues that are resolving however I have also since changed my gluten and dairy intake..so hard to tell. I tried Keto along with it a few times but found no difference in how I felt and found it difficult to stick to.
Not easy to qualify improvement in a lot of things including supplements, diets, even our prescription meds. Exercise seems to be an exception. And there is something to se said for "not feeling worse" over the course of almost a year. I'm a believer in "If it can't hurt and it might help...go for it". Trying to achieve autopahgy seems worth it not only for PD but for overall health and well-being.
Only fasting alone in whatever form, may have some positive effect on PD, but not that significant as expected. It should be combined with a diet (low carb or even no sugar..) and also with a serious exercise program (as extensive as possible-walking, biking etc..) That is how you'll really feel it..
I found the Keto Diet very helpful and have been on a Carnivore Diet for 18 months which suits me very well. I felt fine on IF, but am back to 2 meals a day , breakfast and an early supper, because I was losing muscle. Best regards, Phil 2bats
Genuine interest as opposed to a know-it-all provocation: how is your cholesterol?

Hi Chris, my cholesterol has always been high, it’s probably familial! Checked 6 months ago and total was 15.10mmol/L, LDL 12.22, HDL 1.92 And Trig 0.9. I’m not too worried about these figures as my life expectancy is better with high cholesterol. Not so happy about my CAC score of 4701 a year ago - the result of many years eating lots of carbs and fructose, as recommended by our beloved leaders! I’d get another test but I’m stranded in Queenstown New Zealand and the nearest scan location is Christchurch!
Hey bass, thank you for the feedback on fasting. May I ask in what ways it has helped you? Are you still doing the Hinz protocol? Do you do fasting Along with ketogenic diet? Sorry for all the questions!
I went on a no sugar no flour diet to lose 15lbs and incorporated IF and have lost 20lbs. Almost to skinny for 5’11 at146 lbs now. I started with 16/8 3 meals, went to 18/6 2 meals and once a week did a 24 hour fast with just one meal. I seem to feel the best on the 24 hour fast days with lots of energy. Obviously I can’t do that every day without blowing away. But I plan to continue the 18/6. It’s difficult to quantify what it’s all doing for my PD but overall I like the way I feel, and have a very active life.
Over last winter I was on Keto and intermittent fasting, lost over 20 lbs, had lots of energy and felt awesome. Was having some neck stiffness and that came to a head when I developed a pinched nerve in my neck. Could barely move without extreme pain so everything with diet, etc came to a screeching halt as I was pretty much an invalid for 2 weeks. I think I may have injured my neck a year ago and it finally reached a tipping point. Neck is better but trying to get geared back to my original regime. When I researched Keto for PD I found promising results of the build up of ketones for a healthier brain. Many of the things I do are for the future wellness and slowing progression of PD. I don't always feel results, but the research I do shows it will benefit me in the long run. I want that, I want a healthier future in the long run, I don't want to be an invalid dependent on my children. I feel like researching the pros and cons of say, taking Zinc, or magnesium or Lions Mane or Phosphatidylcholine will give me a basis for taking the supplements. Dr Mischley's online PD class has been very beneficial in steering me towards increasing a good future outcome.
Not sure if Tryguy is following this thread (though he has acknowleged BOS) but will post anyway.
I would have expected people to feel good on intermittent fasting, especially when they fast everyday as most posters here on this thread do. We know that food interferes with drug metabolism. So wouldn't an empty stomach mean meds can work more efficiently? Hence in general we feel better?