I read this recently. If this is true, why is there not more progress on symptom relief..or better yet a cure?
1 in 15 to get pd in their lifetime. - Cure Parkinson's
1 in 15 to get pd in their lifetime.

Diabetes is 1 in 4 and still no cure; only treating symptoms.
I was told by my neurologist 1 in 100
Because it is NOT true. 1 in 100, maybe...maybe. Even that sounds high.
The link between pesticides and PD has been discussed many times in literature so if you could remove all the pesticides from soil and stop current use of proven dangerous chemical culprits the human race might have a chance. 😯 😕 I will look up an article I recently read about that and post it but it said PD is definitely on the rise.
Can you say where you've read this? I find it hard to believe.
I don't remember (otherwise I would post), but I read it recently.
The incidence of PD increases with age: while PD affects 1 percent of the population over the age of 60, this increases to 5 percent of the population over the age of 85.1
Approximately 5 percent of people with PD are diagnosed before the age of 60.1
Sorry about the confusion