Expert Tips for Yoga and Treatment of you... - Cure Parkinson's
Expert Tips for Yoga and Treatment of your Parkinson's Disease

I agree yoga has helped me tremendously. We also bond as a group of yogi's all together in our practice.
Yoga is for everyone- if you not that flexible you can start with seated yoga on a chair. Yoga originally was totaly a seated practice.
I highly recommend yoga 🙏
what are all the postures you practise? kindly let us know.
I go to classes and we do many many diiferent postures and flows depending on what we working on. You can also get dvd's to follow at home. Yoga is, simply put, strengthening n stretching your body. I feel straightened and movable after class n i stretch at home too.
I cant name postires as there r hundreds for all muscles of the body.
If you really looking for actual Yoga then read this article.
Surya Kriya is the most powerful Yoga practice for wellbeing and spirituality.
You will need to find a certified teacher or center in your area to initiate you to this Yoga. It has changed lives of many people .
Find a teacher in the link below;
The other potent practice is :
All the best
Great overall summary of benefits of yoga. I started practicing yoga almost 8 years ago, six months after my PD diagnosis and recovery from shoulder surgery, attending classes on average 4 x week. My gym had 3 different yoga instructors with different styles and I tried to attend all. Hatha yoga has you holding poses and I credit my instructor in these classes with teaching me correct form. Another of my instructors is Kripala trained and is a bit more meditative/mindful. The third does a flow practice, some days more movement than others. Fortunately these days I am able to do online classes through Zoom and FB live (also recorded to come back to) with the last two of these instructors.
There are other yoga practices I am not familiar with; I think you have to find a style and instructor(s) that feel right to you. The article covered much of this, but for me yoga is all about balance, flexibility, strength, focus, relaxation, and concentration. It has made me very body aware, which is a good thing to be day-to-day with Parkinson's. I get stiff and rigid and things hurt all the time; yoga definitely helps that too.
Yoga has been so very helpful to me for many, many years, especially since my PD diagnosis. In my state yoga studios are closed due to the pandemic, but I found an alternative that is so excellent that I may never go back to a studio again! It's an app called Down Dog (see link below). When you launch the app you can customize your session by style of yoga, length of time, music, or not, and more. You can also add a "boost" for specific body parts that might need a little extra focus like lower back or hips, etc. Many style options vary from Hatha, to Ashtanga, to Gentle and chair yoga, which would be great for PWPs. Can even be customized for beginner to advanced levels.
Even better, the app is free to use during the Pandemic (I seem to recall at least until July 1). Regular price is $7.99/month, but it's currently on sale for $23.99 for a full year.
Check it out at the link:
Now I'm off to do a 30 minute hatha session with a "hip openers" boost plus 10 minutes of savasana, which is a great time to mediate on all the dopamine I've just made!