Is it okay to take a B12 vitamin (Solgar 1000 mcg) and C/L. Could it cause a serotonin problem?
B12 : Is it okay to take a B12 vitamin... - Cure Parkinson's
Yes it is - no serotonin syndrome with either - I take both
I inject 5000 every two weeks
Not only OK, but recommended, I think.
METHYLcobalamin is better than the garden variety "vitamin B 12 [CYANOcobalamin]" according to the Harvard Health Letter, April 2020 page 3. It is also about 50% more expensive. Both available from Solgar 1000 mcg.
My repeat entry with more details:
The natural form of vitamin B 12, METHYLcobalamin is better than the common synthetic variety "vitamin B 12 [CYANOcobalamin]" according to Dr. Stampfer in the Harvard Health Letter, April 2020 page 3. It is also about 50% more expensive. Both available from Solgar 1000 mcg.
"... CYANOcobalamin may impair kidney function in people with borderline kidney problems…"
Many people have a vitamin B12 deficiency because they don’t absorb it well from the gut. That is why it is given as an injection.
If you don’t have low levels that require injections but just want to keep your levels topped up, I believe you can get it in a liquid form and put drops under your tongue as it’s supposed to be absorbed more easily.
I don’t know about reactions with serotonin I’m afraid. But for most people receiving injections that would be of secondary importance as they have to have Vit B12 or they will become extremely fatigued and anaemic.
Methylcobalamin and adenosyl cobalamin mixture is supposed to be best, especially if you have a mthfr genetic mutation which many people do.
Is it better to take in the morning or night ? Livon Labs makes a B formula with both methyl and cyanocobalamin in a liposomal carrier-have you any thoughts on that?
I can only do injections in the morning or I'll be up all night. I never tried oral as I get plenty in my diet yet my level was very low so I obviously don't absorb right. I can feel the effect in about an hour of injection - energy and mood is definitely up.
I’m not sure. Some b vitamins seem to make it hard to sleep so I guess morning might be best. My husband who has PD takes it in his Hardy’s daily essential nutrients which has all the essential nutrients in it. The clinical dose for this is 4 capsules 3 times per day with meals so he has it spread over the day. It has 900mcg methyl/adenosyl b12 per day.
He was taking the solgar methyl cobalamin sublingual and the KAL adenosyl before the hardys along with other vitamins and minerals and supplements like NAC, etc but now he just takes them all together in the Hardy’s and that has made him feel much better and it is much easier for me to have them all in one product as he can take it himself and it works much better for him than taking the individual vitamins and minerals.