I just read that these are incompatible with certain types of PD medication such as Azilect. I wasn’t aware of this. Does anybody know which meds other than the one mentioned and WHY? Thanks
PD and cold/flu remedies: I just read that... - Cure Parkinson's
PD and cold/flu remedies

John was told years ago by PD nurse not to take lemsip or decongestants with Rasagiline/Azilect I think it can cause a spike in blood pressure, just paracetamol to reduce temp if needed . Also told nit to take ibuprofen. Hope you are keeping well 😷
Cough suppressant dextromethorphan is not compatible with MAO-B inhibitors
I guess when starting any medication you should read the product safety leaflet. MAOB inhibitors generally can have severe hypotensive reactions (high blood pressure spikes as ruff1 says) when combined with vasoconstrictors (drugs which cause blood vessels to squeeze). That includes decongestants found in cold remedies
I was prescribed albuterol recently (I had viral pneumonia) and the pharmacist would not fill it due to my taking Azilect. My MD said albuterol could cause a little anxiety, but I could take if really needed. I opted not to. No Sudafed.
Don't use any medication that has a D in the name, I believe it prefers to dextromethorphan.