Has any one tried vegan diet to reverse PD
vegan diet?: Has any one tried vegan diet... - Cure Parkinson's
vegan diet?

It will definitely help tremendously!
What is your current PD diagnosis, how long and what meds does nuero have you on?
Hello roseofsharon I'm glad that you asked that question. I know this day would come. (In May 2007 I was diagnosed early onsets of Parkinson's) My current PD diagnosis health is excellent. Trying to close the gap on the off/on phenomenon. Current meds that I am on two 10/100 carb/levadopa sinemet every 3hr.I am also taking some other natural supplement to compensate the difference. Got rid of all other meds from neuro in 2011 because it was deteriorating my health.
thanks, I am the spouse/caretaker Sharon is on 2.5 25/100 4xs per day 1 slow release 50/200 at 11 PM. She was diagnosed in about same time but has had PD since 2005 best we can track the past. If you don't mind can you tell me supplements. Sharon has declined quickly in past 4 months. I think it is med adjustment as supposed to PD. Again Thank you.
I was on the 25/100 and the 50/200 from 2007-2011. It is some very bad stuff. That causes lots of complications and problems with your health. I have been thru lots of neurologist. None of them helped so I started finding answers to help my condition.
My goal is to get off the sinemet completely and I am almost there.
My current regiment:
Two-10/100 sinemet
Two AFI HGH Dopa 400 Macuna Pruriens Extract
One Coenzyme Q10 100mg.(The gel capsule)
every 3 hrs.
Regarding the vegan diet.The main objective,you have to ask yourself what fruits and vegetables can help remedy this Parkinson's condition?
How I can help and if you have any question let me know.
Sharon might like this and make her smile.
Raw chopped spinach
Raw chopped kale
Some chopped sweet apples
Some dried cranberry
With balslamic vinegar
Virgin olive oil(the dark green ones)
On the side some:Raspberries
Very healthy and strong antioxidants!
Have a nice day!
How many sinimet in 24 hrs is that AnthD?
1600 mg.
Does the 1600mg of Sinemet refer to what you were taking BEFORE you changed to your current regime?
If so, that seems a lot to me!
The 1600mg. Is the total NOW. So in 24hrs to answer Hikoi's question that is 16-10/100 carb/levadopa sinemets. To answer your question the 1600mg is current regiment. The previous post above with the other supplements.
I'm no expert AnthD, but that does seem a lot to me.
Can you tell me where do you get your Mucuna Pruriens and the Q10 from please.?
I am below the 2,000mg max per day allowed as per my neurologist. The Macuna Pruriens and the Co Q10 I get it from "The Vitamin Shoppe". You can also get it online.
Have a nice day.
From my observation It seems people in the US often have higher doses of levadopa than many other places. My neuro likes to keep it below 800/day.
I am glad you responded. I have been waiting for you. When you asked me how much sinemet That I was taking in a 24hr period,what were you trying to compare it to? After you answer that question I will tell my situation...then we will go from there.
Thank you
I guess I was comparing to myself diagnosed 2008 and on 600mg/day plus ropinerole 10mg. Also I think I was curious as you wrote 3hrly meds but that doesnt really give a clear idea. I find background helpful when reading postings so here it helps me decide how effective a vegan diet is. For instance you are on alot of meds so that has an effect as well as diet.
I have an impression as I said above that many people in the US are often on higher doses and more quickly that in UK and other countries. Wonder what you and honeycombe think.
If there is something that is unclear,feel free to ask. My objective here is to find answers and solutions to this condition that we all have to deal with. Then we can truly live the life we want.
We all did things that got us here. So we have to back track and reverse the process and my friend I am almost there.
There are so many factors that we have to deal with due to the complexity and the dynamics of this condition.So stick with me and lets go find it ok.
I wrote:
1.My regiment.
2.What I am taking.
3.Then I said every 3 hrs.
not 3hrly.
Thanks AnthD
It certainly is a complex condition and I think there isn't just one PD but that there are lots of different types and each will need different treatment approaches!
Look forward to your updates especially about getting off Sinemet .
One way or another I will get off the sinemet. Let me tell you when I was diagnosed in 2007. The hell that I went thru and how this turned my world upside down. I would not wish this upon no one.Then in 2009
I was on a walker. I could barely walk. My vision was blurred.
Then I said to myself this is not the way I want to go down. So did an about face and turn this around. I started to change the way I think and feel. I changed my diet and started supplementing. Also detoxing and chelating. Got busy start living an active life and exercising.Got rid of all the meds and streamlined down to the lowest version of sinemet with the help of a friend that is a neurologist.
Present time now healthy living a normal life. Only issue is dealing with the off session that is about 5 -20 minutes.When its time to take the meds.(Now thats the reason I want to stop the sinemet).Sometimes I can pass by with no off session. But I cannot predict what is going to come .I just roll with it.
The time has come this condition needs to leave it has no place here. I am getting my life back and I am truly going to live the life that I want live.
Oh yeah! Lets do this!
Has its enthusiasts and sceptics. You will definitely hear from the enthusiasts but I'd love to see people on both sides of the fence posting in response to this question.
Yes, it can; but, there are people who follow a vegan diet and do not eat right!!! A good one to follow is Dr. Neal Bernard, Dr. Greger with NurtritionFacts.org. Vegans try and look to make sure there are no additives, no processed foods, None that contain any dairy, or meat....in other words Fruits & Vegetables.....read, read, read on the subject to get what you are comfortable with your choices. Yes, it has helped me; especially the no dairy!!!!
Hello VTmom,
There are quite a few authors on vegan diets and I personally find it confusing on which author to follow. As I've indicated elsewhere on this thread, I basically follow Dr. McDougall who advocates a starchevore version. What I like about this diet is its simplicity and number of followers who have overcome some serious health problems. However, many recipes contain cooked food.
I must say that Dr.Barnard looks great on his version of the vegan diet, but do you find it easy to follow?
In what way has his vegan diet 'helped' you? I sure agree with dairy products not good for human health!
The only thing clinically proven to be neuro protective is exercise. My elimination does function better on a lot of greens but I also have IBS-C. Reverse? I doubt it
Hi Roseofsharon,
Since October of last year I have followed essentially a vegan diet. Previously I had been following a Ketogenic diet, but was not doing as well as some others who were on it from this HU site.
To be precise, I have been on a plant strong diet, but because my wife could not get the hang of it we have more vegetarian meals than I would like, but essentially I follow a vegan diet, mostly a starchevore one as advocated by Dr. McDougall.
To be honest I can not say it has reversed any of my symptoms, but I no longer have constipation! Who would eating all that fibre!
I changed to this diet hoping to reverse my symptoms, but as I say, that has not happened. So, I will be happy if the vegan diet stops the progress of my PD, or failing that, slow it down.
What I ask you is how can anyone prove its a beneficial without a scientific trial and that is not likely to happen?
Anyway, thank you for opening this thread and I will follow it avidly.
My husband was diagnosed with PD in 2005 and delayed taking any medication for a couple of years. When he did take it, he could suddenly move freely again, but the medication's side effects soon made his life a painful hell. A change of medication eventually helped, but he still occasionally had painful 'off' sessions, which we eventually linked to his consumption of dairy foods. He had been an egg-free vegetarian for decades, but still consumed cheese and ice-cream. His neurologist explained that the protein in these foods (like all animal foods) was delaying or completely preventing the absorption of his medication. He reluctantly went completely vegan and that has nearly stopped his 'off' sessions. While he misses dairy food, he now associates its consumption with the resulting pain, so it is easier for him to avoid it.
Between going vegan and spending more time outside going on long walks (benefiting from sunshine, fresh air and exercise), it appears he is reversing his illness, or has at least halted its progress. His PD nurse calls him her model patient.
His diet consists of a variety of nutrient-rich plant foods - fruit, veg, raw nuts, beans, legumes, seeds - and always includes some fresh uncooked foods because cooking destroys some nutrients. These include salads, fresh home-made veg and fruit juices, and daily green smoothies made from bananas, berries or other fruit, and various greens like parsley, kale and spinach. The smoothies are delicious - you don't even taste the greens, so don't let the 'green' put you off. Greens are rich in chlorophyll (energy direct from the sun) and are very healing.
I would encourage every person with Parkinson's to start their day with a freshly made green smoothie, and to give juicing a try - mixed fruit and veg juices like combinations of apple, pineapple, grapes, ginger, carrot, beetroot, celery, broccoli, leafy greens - not just orange juice. Most juicers don't juice green leaves very well, but a good masticating juicer will, and it will extract maximum juice and nutrients. You will soon FEEL the difference, especially the extra energy it gives you. They will give your body the fresh, concentrated, natural nutrients and liquids your cells need from plants to detoxify and heal themselves. Our blender and juicer are used far more than any other equipment in our kitchen.
I feel for you. I know what you are talking about the med's side effects,painful hell and off sessions that your husband goes thru. I have been thru that also. That is the reason why I started making a change in my life. To find the answers and solutions improve my health and find natural alternatives that so that I can get off and away from these meds that the neurologists prescribe to me.
You are awesome! I truly commend your for effort in everything that you are preparing for your husbands diet. You guys are on the right track ,keep up the good work. His health will only improve as time goes by.
Hello again HealthSeeker7. It is always good to read your inputs for they are always positive which makes me believe that at the very least I'm travelling in the right direction.
I can not ever see me going back to a carnivore diet, but I do have concerns whether I'm getting sufficient nutrients on my vegan diet. For example, Omega3, iron. I take a vitamin B12 tablet 3-4 times a week. I may try and transition to a raw vegan diet in due course, if I can persuade my good lady to do the same. It's very difficult when, one of you wants to go one way and the other another way.