Daily 2,010mg magnesium l-threonate with my thiamine hcl
Less tremor: Daily 2,010mg magnesium l... - Cure Parkinson's
Less tremor
Are other listmates using MgThreonate? Anecdotes and dose, please.
Yes I take it also. Magtein by Now Foods. Started with 1gram and will increase to 2 grams. Have been on for a week.
Yes, mag l-threonate is noticeably helpful to allay muscle cramping and stiffness, and purportedly beneficial on the cognitive front. Its ability to alleviate tremor, however, is dubious at best.
What is the brand name
Can you speak to the difference in threonate versus citrate?
If you search for Magnesium on the forum you will find enough info to differentiate between the types.
The short answer is L-threonate crosses the blood brain barrier- shown conclusively in a mouse model.
The Citrate version is good for bowel movements - draws water into the colon
I have a terrible tremor 24/7...
How much Thiamine Hcl are you using at present with the Magnesium L Threonate

✨🙏🏾✨ Thanks!

Y cuanto magnesio treonato en cada toma?. 1005mg?
Se pueden tomar dos cápsulas a la vez antes de dormir.?
Gracias. Perdona mi falta de información.
Roy, for how long have you been experiencing less tremor with this protocol?
Thanks, great news....and how long after taking the magnesium does it take to quell the tremors, and are you dividing the 1k Mg dose up ?
I noticed a mag difference over the week
I'm taking that dosage and it does nothing for my tremor. Then again, I seem to have a benign essential tremor. I've been on the Mg Threonate for about a month.
The last two days I have a noticeable decrease in my tremors. Yesterday I was able to type on the computer much better.
do u take mag in divided doses throughout the day, or all at once?
Good morning - how much thiamine hcl?
500mg capsules (not tablets)
2g in morning
2g at lunchtime
4 capsules = 2g
I take Doctors Best 100g x2 daily - should I up it?
Does magnesium l-theronate taken during the day make anyone drowsy? I often see/read magnesium described as being taken in the evening and/or at bedtime for this belief. Seems desirable to take during the day as that's when PwP experience the most tremor impact to daily function.
Dr Terry Wahl’s recommendation is for Mag Threonate ✅
Are you still experiencing less tremor and attribute to the mag?
I should stop mag for a time to judge

Reason I’m asking as I’ve been taking mag t for months and has not alleviated tremor at all. However my tremor has always been intermittent from non-existent to constant depending on stress, sleep, etc. the only thing improved is arm swing. Might be B1 or mannitol, I dunno but happy this has improved ! Thanks for the reply.
Kia 17 mentioned that the magnesium supplement he is taking has helped with sleep in the past. The one he uses has three forms of magnesium, Mag-T, Magnesium Taurate and Magnesium glycinate. You can check with him to verify the brand. I've noticed that topical mag oil on my neck and shoulder area helps a little with sleep also.
I cannot say tremor stopped in retrospect. Now I only take mag L-t once a week. Thinking today I will or may take more often. Just have to decide dose level.