FLU SHOT OR NOT: hello friends, I am just... - Cure Parkinson's

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RS313 profile image
95 Replies

hello friends,

I am just wondering how many of you get the flu shot if it works or if you are against it

I am on the fence about getting one because i have never had one but the flu here in Michigan is really bad and i am afraid to get sick with having parkinsons.Any advice?

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RS313 profile image
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95 Replies
MBAnderson profile image

Get the shot and if you're a senior, get the high potency dose. I've had one every year and feel they work.

bepo profile image
bepo in reply toMBAnderson

This year's vaccine is a 'guess', that many times is the wrong guess about which strains of the vaccine will show their ugly heads this year....or next....or next. Did you read the brochure about all the side effects?

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply tobepo

After you consult with Robert Kennedy Jr, you could check in with Jenny McCarthy, Jessica Biel, Jim Carry or Robert De Niro and my favorite anti-vaccination activist, who knows more than anybody about anything Donald Trump -- all of whom have one thing in common; none have produced any scientific evidence.

A good read for the history of anti-vaccination activism.


Choosing to not have the vaccine yourself is one thing, but advocating others decline vaccines puts the population at whole at risk.

“Vaccines do not only affect the recipient, however. If the percentage of the population with vaccines continues to decrease, herd immunity, or group resistance to the spread of a disease, will fail. It is only effective if at least 90% to 95% of the population has resistance, and as that number decreases, more and more people will be infected.” -- Pharmacy Times



MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply toMBAnderson



The rise of anti-vaccination movements in parts of the Western world poses a dire threat to people’s health and the collective herd immunity. People of all ages have fallen victim to recent outbreaks of measles, one of the most notable “eliminated” diseases that made a comeback as a direct consequence of not reaching the immunization threshold for MMR vaccines. These outbreaks not only put a strain on national healthcare systems but also cause fatal casualties."


bepo profile image
bepo in reply toMBAnderson

Iread sides of the vaccine issue. I had read thenih study. Did you read these;https//bolenreport.com/robert-f-kennedy-jr-nails-the-vaccine-argument


Pharma has such extreme power. They set up a website, called quackwatch; quack is a word coined in the early 1900'sRockefeller, and Carnagie took over the medical schools and made them teach pharmaceuticals, only. Look at youtube; Cancer the forbidden cures.

Sorry, my computer, on this site is typing over previous words when I try to make changes.

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply tobepo

I agree with you in that big Pharma has too much power over our healthcare.

A few years ago, the CDC spent a lot of money and did an exhaustive ground-up reevaluation of vaccinations providing ample scientific data that they are essential and, for example, do not cause autism, etc.

A few years ago I went through an arduous process of examining this because my son-in-law declined to have his children (my grandchildren) vaccinated and as a result, they were not allowed into school for several months. It was very disruptive to our family. He finally conceded the point.

bepo profile image
bepo in reply toMBAnderson

Go to Robert Kennedy Jr to see how he uncovered what the CDC has hidden and where their funding comes from.

bepo profile image
bepo in reply toMBAnderson

Follow the money. I do not trust the CDC nor the FDA. It's extremely unfortunate. I hate it. The CDC has patents on its own vaccines.

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply tobepo

I don't entirely trust the FDA because they get a significant portion of their budget from big Pharma, but the CDC is different and they produced peer-reviewed data. I'm not ready to believe they will knowingly and willfully jeopardize people's health and lives.

bepo profile image
bepo in reply toMBAnderson

Wouldn't that be a crock if you can't trust the CDC! Read Robert F. Kennedy, Jr's investigation of the CDC and their coverup. He sued the maker of the vaccine he took, because he lost his voice. The cover up by the CDC was made public only because he sued.

bepo profile image
bepo in reply toMBAnderson

Follow the money! I wish it were different.

bepo profile image
bepo in reply tobepo

"The World Health Organization (WHO) receives 50% of its budget from pharma. The CDC is a pharmaceutical company. It has about $5 billion dollars a year that it buys and sells vaccines. And individuals within HHS who worked on those vaccines at taxpayer expense, if they worked on them, they’re allowed to get royalty payments," quoted from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

bepo profile image
bepo in reply toMBAnderson

I agree with your son. My kids , who are now in their 40's, had only a few vaccinations. If I knew then, what I know now, I probably wouldn't let them have any. I had a recent head wound, when I tripped on the floor over my dog, I didn't see in the darkness. I had sutures. The doc did not want me to leave until I had a tetnus shot. I asked him why I needed it, when I tripped and hit my head on my own clean floor. He said because I had not had one in awhile. I told him it was too late and I would get it tomorrow. I think if I hadn't said that, he would have insisted. I reconsidered and did not get the shot.

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply tobepo

Son-in-law. Big difference. My son has a PhD in biology and knows better.

bepo profile image
bepo in reply toMBAnderson

Did you read any of JFK, jr's articles on vaccines, backed by science? Before you get to his site, there are many pro-vax posts, promoted in part, by the pharmaceuticals.

SilentEchoes profile image
SilentEchoes in reply tobepo

I have a farm. Tetanus bacteria only survive in anaerobic conditions, not exposed to light and oxygen which readily destroys them. The livestock get this vaccine, I do not.

Flushing the wound and using hydrogen peroxide will prevent most secondary infections.

Tetanus is a treatable condition with antitoxin and antibiotics. Your risk was statistically nill.

The tetanus shot was not being promoted for your benefit. Doctors get spiffed for their vaccination rates, which should be made illegal. They also aren't liable for your vaccine injury, should one occur.

bepo profile image
bepo in reply toSilentEchoes

Absolutely! It used to be that you only got a tetnus shot when you came in contact with a rusty nail.

Hikoi profile image
Hikoi in reply tobepo


Pharma set up quackwatch? Really? Prove it.

Some interesting articles on the site you referenced. Like this one:


So many pro-vax posts promoted in part by pharmaceuticals- how do you know this?

kaypeeoh profile image

It may not work, it may work partially or it may completely prevent an infection. We're all different. When I was about to have an MRI they gave me the shot without telling me or warning me. Not that I would have complained. I haven't heard of any complications from the shot and PD. At my age--63--I'd rather not risk getting sick. With all the people I'm shaking hands with every day it's a guarantee I'd catch the flu if I hadn't been inoculated.

bepo profile image

I would definitely not get a flu shot. I have studied them. Go to Robert Kennedy Jr. website. He sued vaccine makers after he lost his voice. They are not disclosing all the side effects and lack of efficacy. Build up your immune with exercise and proper nutrition. Take vitamin C. My husband and I have not been sick since the '80's. We are all about prevention.

in reply tobepo

Most things have *possible* side effects but very few get them!! It is all about risk versus benefit. As the flu can kill and the risks are either minor or are experienced by few people, it is a no brainer. The addition of antibodies to your immune system is beneficial. As to vitamin C you might be interested in this: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK2...

Wonderful that you have not been sick since the 80s. Be thankful that you have had had such good fortune.

Hikoi profile image
Hikoi in reply tobepo

Bepo rather than vaccinate you say build up your immune system. Would exercise and nutrition have saved the babies of Samoa? This South Pacific nation has been gripped by measles, a highly infectious disease. It has killed 81 people, most of them babies and young children, and sickened more than 5,600 others. This is in a country of 200,000 and has been happening these past couple of months.

bepo profile image
bepo in reply toHikoi

This is a horrible situation. I am one who loves babies and children. At the same time, when I was a child, not a defenseless baby, my mother took us to a neighbor's house where we were purposely exposed to measles and other diseases, so we would 'get them out of the way'. What has changed?

Now, there are many more toxins worldwide then there were when I was a child. The mother passes them on to her offspring. We have GMO foods that are full of poisons. The fertilizers and bug sprays are full of poisons.

Hikoi profile image
Hikoi in reply tobepo

so you are saying that Samoa has alot of GMO food etc and thats why all their babies died?

Actually the anti vacs people worked hard spreading their beliefs in Samoa and it took one Samoan child exposed in NZ to cause this tragedy.

bepo profile image
bepo in reply tobepo

The answer is Ozone. If children, babies, etc. were treated with ozone, that would cure the disease. The Pharmaceuticals block natural medicine that can't be patented. Where's the money.

ParlePark profile image

Get one every year. Never had side effects.

bepo profile image
bepo in reply toParlePark

How do you know? Are the side effects immediate?

ParlePark profile image
ParlePark in reply tobepo

Well, ultimately I don't know however for the last 20-30 years it sure has helped as I've not gotten the flu. Now I just got 2 shingles shot and glad I did as I have 2 relatives that did not and unfortunately suffered horribly. While the shot are not "guaranteed" I'll take my chances. However, I did get small side effects from the shingles shot and was advised prior. I'll take my chances.

bepo profile image
bepo in reply toParlePark

Look at ozone. It cures shingles.

bepo profile image
bepo in reply toParlePark

The efficacy of flu shots is about 9%. I don't want to load my body with toxic substances for 9%. Ozone kills shingles, and all viruses.

ParlePark profile image
ParlePark in reply tobepo

Thanks for the advice but I’m very happy with my decisions.

bepo profile image
bepo in reply toParlePark

A direct quote from Robert F. Kennedy: ' The vaccine industry when I was a boy was $270 million dollars. I got three vaccines and was fully compliant. Today it is a $50 billion dollar industry and 20% of pharmaceutical revenues.

But that’s at the front end.

At the back end are all the chronic diseases that the FDA says they think are associated with vaccines. A hundred and fifty diseases are now listed on the product inserts. The reason they’re listed on the product inserts is because the FDA has made the determination that these injuries are more likely caused by a vaccine.

This is the chronic disease epidemic.

I have six kids. I had eleven brothers and sisters. I had over fifty cousins. I didn’t know a single person with a peanut allergy. Why do all my kids have food allergies? Because they were born after 1989.

If you were born prior to 1989, your chance of having a chronic disease, according to HHS (Health and Human Services) is 12.8%. If you are born after 1989, your chance of having a chronic disease is 54%. And the FDA has said to the vaccine companies, you need to take a look at these diseases.

And what are these diseases?

They’re the neuro-developmental diseases, ADD, ADHD, language delays, speech delays, tics, Tourette Syndrome, ASD, and autism. The auto-immune disorders, Guillan-Barre, multiple sclerosis, juvenile diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis. The anyphylactic diseases, food allergies, rhinitis, asthma, and eczema. All of these exploded in 1989.

Congress ordered the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) to find out which year this disease epidemic started. And EPA did that study. They said it started in 1989. There are a lot of culprits. Many new things. We have cell-phones. We have PFOA (perfluorooctanic acid). We have ultra-sound. We have glyphosate. We have many other things. Our kids are swimming in a toxic soup.

We’re not saying all of those illnesses came from vaccines. But there is no intervention that is so exquisite and precisely timed as what happened when we went in 1989 and changed that vaccine schedule and raised the levels of aluminum and mercury, tripled and quintupled them. We went from the 3 vaccines that I had, to the 72 my kids had, and to the 75 that kids are going to get next year. And there are 273 new vaccines in the pipeline.'

Despe profile image
Despe in reply tobepo

You're right. I was thinking about Ozone injections, that is if our FD is willing to do it.

bepo profile image
bepo in reply toDespe

Find a doctor who knows what he/she is doing. They have to have had training. Research oxidative therapies.

Despe profile image
Despe in reply tobepo

I will although hard to find one in the deep South!

rhyspeace12 profile image
rhyspeace12 in reply toParlePark

I got shingles 3 years ago when Trump won and my car was totaled at the same time by a drunk driver. It was horrible. I got a shot early on in the disease, and it helped, but you do not want shingles!! My forehead still itches and i got scars.

SilentEchoes profile image
SilentEchoes in reply torhyspeace12

My huband had shingles and our kids got chicken pox. So what. We all recovered.

Exposure to children with chicken pox is a natural immunity booster for adults to shingles. We're good.

*My MIL swore up and down that my husband never had chicken pox as a child. My SIL (medical background) took one look and said he had shingles (it was on his scalp under his hair). I said we'll find out if the kids get CP, sure enough they did. It's not fun, but the hysteria around these once common illnesses is unreasonable.

rhyspeace12 profile image
rhyspeace12 in reply toSilentEchoes

There was no vaccine for chicken pox when i took my two daughters on a plane trip to Florida. The both developed chicken pox on the plane and who knows how many people they gave it to. I was miserable when I had chicken pox, I'd rather no one else be. I am 78 years old and had all those old diseases I would rather have skipped. I got mumps from kissing someone at midnight on New Years Eve at a high school dance, right after having the English flu.

My great uncle died at 15 months of diphtheria. Another preventable disease now.

I get a flu shot every year and can't remember having it since 1973 when i was lucky enough to catch it when pregnant with my last child in the early months .

Hikoi profile image
Hikoi in reply toSilentEchoes

There is a chance your husband had a very mild or sub clinical case. About 5 per cent are subclinical or exceedingly mild in nature. Or more likely your MiL forgets!

As to Hysteria? Tell that to the mother who lost 3 children last month. 81 people, mostly babies dying in 2 months, I think that a bit of hysteria is justified.

bepo profile image
bepo in reply toSilentEchoes

Ozone/oxygen kills all bacteria and viruses. Allopathic medicine doesn't recognize it. Too much loss in profits. Ozone, is pennies a day once you have bought the equipment.

pvw2 profile image

It works for me, but I get it every year, so I'm usually covered by what they don't put in the shot this year. Pay attention to the questions they ask before giving you the shot, so they will know if there is a reason for you nor to get the shot.

Hikoi profile image

Had flu with PD - not nice! I get vaccinated.

chartist profile image

As regards the flu vaccine, I have never had one in my entire life. Growing up, none of my fairly large family ever got it nor did my parents. One of my friends who got the flu shot last year, got SERVA from the shot and the doctor never even explained that it was a possible consequence of the flu shot and then acted as though it must be from another cause even though the pain started the day of getting the shot and was concentrated at the sight of the injection and has continued for over a year rendering his left arm almost useless now. There is no known treatment for SERVA and it can last for the rest of life in some people. The one thing he says he is glad about is that he asked that the shot be given in his left arm since he is right handed. He has very limited use of his left arm. I can see why there are attorneys who seem to specialize in SERVA cases.

I do employ silver nanoparticles (AGNPs) as an anti-flu and anti-cold agent if needed, among other uses. I feel that I have at least as good a chance of fighting the flu by using AGNPs if needed and I also feel that AGNPS have a very good safety profile. I also see people who still get the flu after getting the flu shot.

So overall, I am not sold on the flu shot for me, but everyone is free to choose what is best for them! I do not feel the same about some other vaccines, but this post was asking specifically about the flu shot.


Cagey84 profile image
Cagey84 in reply tochartist

Hi Art, is there any clinical evidence for the use of AGNPs in flu and cold infections?

chartist profile image
chartist in reply toCagey84


Very few human studies and most of those were related to dosing and how much would be needed to achieve a serum level that has shown effectiveness in vitro. The rest of the studies are animal and in vitro. Other than that it is down to mainly anecdotal. There are over 17,000 studies listed on PubMed of which over 2,000 were done this year (2019), but many are repetitive test tube studies which to me appear to have been done for the sole purpose of getting funding for a study.

Much older human studies used forms of silver that were less than optimal and some forms of silver that are now known to cause argyria. Once antibiotics became popular, silver became much less popular although still used in a hospital setting and mostly as a topical. Current studies show that AGNPs are highly active as antibacterial, antiviral, anticarcinogenic and to a lesser extent antifungal and antiparasitic particles in the correct size range and effectively capped with a capping agent. Here is what a newer study looks like :



bepo profile image
bepo in reply tochartist

This site was started by volunteers who had, or who had family members have adverse reactions to injections. vaers.hhs.gov/index.html

Hikoi profile image
Hikoi in reply tobepo

Oh please ....No mention that it was started by volunteers! It is a govt site. Looks like the usual adverse event reporting site that most countries have.

bepo profile image
bepo in reply tochartist

He might be able to cure it ozone.

to67 profile image

Haven't had one for years and WON'T ever get one. Not much crap in them.

Zella23 profile image

Been having flu shots in U.K. for about 8 years! Husband has PD, I have asthma and osteo arthritis, never had any issues apart from a slightly stiff arm for a day or so at injection site!

Only had the flu a couple of times in my life when I was younger - thought I was dying I felt so ill!

Rather have the flu shot we don’t want it now both in late 60 s.

bepo profile image
bepo in reply toZella23

I am 76 years old and have studied functional medicine since 1978. If I get a tickle in my throat, I take echinacea and vitamin C. I haven't had a cold or flu since 1989! Build your immune.

bepo profile image
bepo in reply toZella23

Look at prolozone injections for osteoarthritis. I have two degenerate knees. I have had many shots in my right knee, and it is 90%. The left knee has further to go. I am confident I can avoid a replacement. I also cut out wheat and dairy. Give that a try. I also take biocell collagen II in a supplement.

Zella23 profile image
Zella23 in reply tobepo

I ve just started taking collagen. Years ago we took supplements for joints but my type of arthritis is genetic from my mother s line. My brothers don’t have it. We take Vitamin C and zinc amongst other stuff. I ve had lots of knee injections.

Managed to stave off right knee replacement for 12 years, really don’t want left one done! I was limping badly with not much of joint working properly. Not much choice!

I ll look up your suggestion. Thanks!

bepo profile image
bepo in reply toZella23

Prolozone works. The less degeneration, the better.

Cagey84 profile image

A very common side effect of not having a flu vaccine is catching flu. This can be very serious, even resulting in death.

Having this side effect can seriously impact other people you come into contact with, transmitting this dangerous infection.

No surprise, I have the vaccine every year.

bepo profile image
bepo in reply toCagey84

If you are eating the standard American diet, there's a good chance your immune won't protect you. It's all about diet.

jeffmayer profile image

Get it defo you don't want flu it's bad enough when your with of times10

Horselover profile image

I wont have it again. I got pushed in to having it back in 2012. Within a day or so my left foot was trembling. I now have tremor on my left side of my body. I say the flue jab kicked it off. (No one else in my family has Parkinson's) I was quite ill after it too. Doctor still keeps asking me to have it . Its got nothing to do with the fact they get paid extra for giving it of course.

Johnboy46 profile image

Hi, I have always had the Flu jab for the last 15 years. I was Dxed wPD 3 years ago and had never thought about not having the jab. The first time I had it I had a bit of a reaction but never since although this year I was mildly ill for a few days, maybe it would have been worse if I hadn't had the jab. Hope this helps make up your mind.


bepo profile image
bepo in reply toJohnboy46

Where did the toxins come from that started your PD? Are you one of the few that have a genetic predisposition to PD?

Phusson profile image

I used to get the flu many years ago. My doctor recommended getting the shot and I haven't had the flu since. I trust my doctor and he knows more than me and the internet about my health. I guess I'll never know if it effects PD symptoms.

mgregor6 profile image

I usually don't get them. At college there was a big push on campus to get the free flu shot . I asked my virology professor one afternoon if she got her flu shot that day. She scoffed, looked at me and said she would never get one! Of course, I had to ask why. Her answer "Because there is an unbelievable amount of shit in those things". Although this year I travelled overseas and got one anyway, due to my wife's nagging.

Rlp1 profile image
Rlp1 in reply tomgregor6

I get the shot every year. I don’t get the flu, though I am not sure of causal relationship.

Friend70 profile image

I didn’t get flu shots until 2004, The prior year, I had gotten the flu and it was so bad, I really thought one evening that I wouldn’t live through the night (and I didn’t care because I was so sick). After that experience, I’ve gotten the shot every year with no problems,

Wash your hands a lot even if you get the shot. It may not help with air born flu but sure helps with other types. When shopping you can take precautions by wearing disposable gloves when touching the handles of shopping carts and/or don't touch your nose or rub your eyes. I have some antibacterial hand wash in the car for after shopping. Those irritating bags that don't open when you're trying to put veggies into them are a culprit because I forget and wet my finger to get it open! Not a good idea. All of this may help.

reedboat2 profile image

IMHO the downside of flu for PWP’s is worse than for the GP. This past fall I got the flu shot, my wife did NOT. In November I came down with a mild case of sinus congestion that lasted about a week. No fever, no cough. In December my wife got really sick, with fever and severe coughing that lasted three weeks. I’m not 100% sure about the correlation, but just sayin’...

Rosenmu profile image

It was proven recently in court that vaccines have not been tested against a blind placebo for effectiveness in 30 years. Why is it that big pharma is not held accountable for proven vaccine injury? We the people pay with our taxes 4 billion a year for vaccine injury and the flu shot is the most prevalent cause.

Hikoi profile image
Hikoi in reply toRosenmu

Reference please

Rosenmu profile image
Rosenmu in reply toHikoi

It was recently in the news, I'll have to track it DC own or you can look it up, vaccine injury board

Hikoi profile image
Hikoi in reply toRosenmu

What news, it wasn’t news in my country.

When you make big statements like you did It is best to supply references or what you write will not be considered credible

Rosenmu profile image
Rosenmu in reply toHikoi

Much of the news in the USA involving vaccine damage is buried by the main stream news. The vaccine damage info is readily available. I read a lot of news and research don't save all the links. It's out there if you care to know.

Hikoi profile image
Hikoi in reply toRosenmu

Thanks Rosenmu, SilentEchoes

I will pass on researching unsubstantiated and non referenced claims that seem very unlikely to be true.

Rosenmu profile image
Rosenmu in reply toHikoi

Here's some light reading for you:




So far, the American people have had to pay out almost 4 Billion in vaccine damages awarded. Big Pharma has not paid it, we have.

Hikoi profile image
Hikoi in reply toRosenmu

Thanks but I don't accept propaganda sites as sources for scientific information.

Rosenmu profile image
Rosenmu in reply toHikoi

So you are close minded? I understand perfectly now, or maybe a shill for big pharma? If you bothered to look you would see some of the quotes and pages are from actual official government pages.

Hikoi profile image
Hikoi in reply toRosenmu

Health impact news is a cover. It is an antivacc site. It has a poor reputation for scientific accuracy.

The government site actually was reassuring with low incidence of side effects I thought.

I wonder how you will respond to a vaccination for PD. Currently in trials. Would you have it?

I find it sad that people resort to conspiracy talk if you disagree. Wish I did get paid by pharma instead of living on a pension but I dont.

Rosenmu profile image
Rosenmu in reply toHikoi

No, I would not and will not have vaccines, their track record is too shady and dangerous. I suppose you trust MSN news tho, lol

Hikoi profile image
Hikoi in reply toRosenmu

I dont know MSN I watch my own country ‘s news, it is heavily infiltrated by the US but we manage. When we want some informed and accurate commentary on world affairs there is BBC and Al Jezeera and for pure amusement there is always Fox.

SilentEchoes profile image
SilentEchoes in reply toHikoi

Suit yourself.

SilentEchoes profile image
SilentEchoes in reply toHikoi

Here we go again. Do your own work fact checking.

gwendolinej profile image

Australia has just had an extremely bad flu season, starting early and going well into summer with many more deaths than normal, particularly in the elderly. My husband and I have been having the flu shot for many years now (since our doctor insisted that we do). No side effects.

bepo profile image
bepo in reply togwendolinej

Could the toxins in the vaccines contribute to Parkinson's

gwendolinej profile image
gwendolinej in reply tobepo

And it could be a million other things. I could give you a list, but it could never be complete. Have you watched the video link on this site yesterday from akgirlsrock (heading Thiamine). Goes for 1hr 20minutes. Covers a lot of ifs, buts and maybes. It’s worth your time.

bepo profile image
bepo in reply togwendolinej

Thanks. I'll do that.

ion_ion profile image

Never had one. Vitamine C is better.

sandykofaxa profile image

not me I got one three years ago and got the worst flu that I’ve ever had.

ParlePark profile image
ParlePark in reply tosandykofaxa

Definitely possible. Different strains. No guarantees. Pharmacist told me that upfront this year. I used to get flu prior to getting annual shots for quite a few years and bad flu (s) at that. None I can recall after taking shots.

Ratzkywatzky profile image


SilentEchoes profile image

Vaccines contain aluminum, a known neurotoxin. Why risk exacerbating your neurological disorder or worse, developing a new one (Guillain-Barre)?

I highly recommend you do independent research into the vaccine ingredients, efficacy and side effects. Once you know these facts for yourself, you can make an informed decision.

Remember, you are being marketed to by the pharmaceutical industry who has immunity from legal liability should you become injured or killed by their products. That fact alone should concern you.

As we go through life we experience exposure to a variety of viruses and gain natural and lifelong immunity. You do not need a vaccine for an illness to which you are already immune.

Anecdotally, I'm in my late 50's and had the Hongkong flu when I was a child; because they share some genetics, I am immune to the H1N1 strain (pandemic flu of 1912). I know this for a fact because I had elementary age children who did get sick with the H1N1 strain and neither my husband or I were made ill. Viruses do not concern me.

The best prevention is.....drum roll please.....washing your hands.

bepo profile image
bepo in reply toSilentEchoes

This is a great post. Thanks.

Despe profile image


My husband and I haven't the flu shot for at least 20 years. Plenty of Zinc, Vitamin C, D, and Glutathione are natural ways to fight the flu. Also, my mother at 85 got the first flu shot in her life and got sick as a dog. She didn't want to hear about flu shots again. Her doctor insisted but she was adamant in her refusal.

PS. Aluminum is hazardous to your PD.

Despe profile image

"In June 2019, Maine passed a new law, LD798, which revokes religious and philosophical/personal belief vaccine exemptions and bars access to education and certain types of employment for people who decline one or more state-mandated vaccines for themselves or their minor children."


SilentEchoes profile image

It's not just children who are injured by vaccines.


Sugarbear67 profile image

I get both flu and Phenomena Shot.

RS313 profile image

Great points advice and comments!!! TY everyone for your help♥ I have also be studying Elderberry syrup i might try it to see if it really helps with immune system and combating the flu. This is why i love this group! I always learn so much from you all.Thank you

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