Why Everybody Wants to Give You a Free Flu Shot vitals.lifehacker.com/why-e... via @VitalsLH
The truth about Flu Shots : Why Everybody... - Cure Parkinson's
The truth about Flu Shots
A problem for the USA.
I have enough toxins in my system without adding flu shot to it, no guaranteed effectiveness or safety either
All the physicians I know ( and i know a lot) take the flue shot.
Do you think they might know something ?
They are also required to.

That is just not true , there isn no requirement
Hi Condor. You are right. It is a CDC recommendation, not a mandate. Thank you. Link below:

The CDC, believe it or not, makes money off the flu shots. Check out Robert Kennedy, Jr.'s website. He sued vaccine manufacturers. He uncovered a lot of information. Interesting stuff!
It can also depend on where they work, it can be a requirement of their employment. My husband is a retired firefighter, it was required if he was EMT trained to work with medical emergencies.
The physicians I know, and I know a lot, would never dream of having a flu shot! One doctor, alone, gave up his hospital privileges because he would not get the required flu shot.
Hi Beb0,
I have been a physician for over 60 years, and I know many, many doctors. For the last twenty years I have been running education programs for doctors, over a hundred of them with a average attendance of 100, and I have never met one physician who does not get a flu shot. Not one.
When I qualified, we all had small smallpox vaccinations, yet there was an active “Anti-vaccination” organization. In addition, every mother who brought in a child with a fever would ask “Could it be polio?” Yet even now there are crackpots who oppose the vaccinations.
I have lived long enough to see these diseases became historical relics.
Do you think these very educated professionals are not capable of interpreting the evidence - while you are?
I learn from the Md's I associate with, who are also very well educated. They learn from other sources than the Pharmaceutical companies. They realized after medical school, and some, in addition getting their PhD's, that pharmaceuticals should not be the first and only approach for chronic disease. Many of these also teach and lecture other doctors different ways to naturally halt bacteria and viruses with ozone, etc, I have studied alternative, natural medicine for 40 years, pretty intensively. I became interested when I refused to give pharmaceuticals to my young son for ADHD. I learned if I cut out processed foods, additives and food coloring, he adapted. He graduated college and is successful in his career. That quest for knowledge has been and still is ongoing with me. I can't learn fast enough! I research every day. I have 8 years of college, not in the medical field.
We have an ozone sauna and offer it to people who would like to heal themselves. We gave use of the sauna to an 85 year old man on hospice. He came for saunas every day for a year. The result: He is no longer on any of the 25 medications prescribed to him, he is active, he changed his diet; his blood pressure is normal.
I had polio and was in bed for 9 months. I think it is a horrible disease. With what I know now, I would treat polio by building up the immune with proper nutrition and using ozone, which is O3 which converts to O2 when it is in the body. Ozone has cured Ebola in Sierra Leone.
I have read most physicians receive about 1/2 hour in nutrition. The medical schools are taught the pharmaceutical model. There are cures for cancer and have been for many years. Do you know about them?
BTW, you can probably call me a crackpot.
It costs millions of dollars to run clinical trials, i.e. double blind studies. The pharmaceuticals can afford these studies. When it comes to functional, holistic medicine, there isn't that kind of money, either to be made, or to spend on trials. Most of the information is anecdotal. When there are enough patients to show a trend, then it's up to each individual doctor or patient to determine whether there is enough information. A good example of that is the study that was done on Mucuna Pruriens verses pharma for PD. They both showed the same efficacy. Mucuna is natural, non pharmaceutical, and has no side effects. Vitamin B1. I believe in it for helping PD. I have seen improvements in my husband, and have read impressive results. PubMed is a good source of information.
At age 70 with asthma I cannot risk the flu and have had the shot every year for 20 years. No problems so far. I ran an agency and we paid for the shots for our employees who wanted it. They were cheap for us to buy.
Flu shots can leave behind toxins that blend into your body and sometimes don't cause an immediate reaction. The insert for the flu shot is a long page front and back on side effects, etc. A person can develop allergy issues, psorriasis, liver or kidney problems, toxins can add to the folding issues in our gut, all symptoms that can sneak in unawares. I do know someone that immediately started having stiff neck and seizures there, one of the side effects. I already have that thanks to PD.
I am sure you are sincere, but you are blatantly scaremongering. If this was serious problem, why do all the physicians get flu shots?
The most dangerous part is the drive to the doctor’s office.
I'm a veterinarian in practice for 35 years. When I started 35 years ago we were euthanizing dogs and cats daily for things like distemper or leukemia. With decades of vaccination I haven't seen a case of parvo, distemper, adenovirus or feline leukemia in forever.
Of you've seen what has been happening to our children, you might think differently. Show me proof that all the Drs have gotten flu shots, most of them don't read the inserts either, just ask them. Part of the problem with PD is toxins, read the inserts. I quit getting my dog vaccinated years ago, had to, she got too sick to with stand the stuff.
I havent seen whats happening to our children! Do they get flu shots? I too worry that this scares people.
The average newborn can now get as many as 30 vaccines in the first 2 months, the effects, if they survive, is devaststing. The scary part is that none of this has been proven to be effective against a placebo study in 30 years, recently brought to light in court. The government has a vaccine damage program that pays out from our taxes. Over 50% of the claims are for the flue shot.
Average newborn can now get 30vaccines in the first 2 months is blatantly untrue. As to a study you dont even give the reference so I don't believe a word of it.
Yes! By the time a child turns 18, I think they have a total of 79 vaccinations. Sounds yummy!
So another unsubstantiated claim. You need to put your source for any claims otherwise we have to believe you (and that would be silly) or ignore all your claims.
In earlier posts, I have indicated where people might find more information. Here is a site. vaxopedia.org/2018/07/15/do...
From your site, it does not support you. It says
“Saying kids get 72 doses of vaccines is a propaganda tool to scare parents.
They get their kids 72 doses of vaccines?
That sounds like a lot…
It sounds like a lot because it is an inflated number that is meant to scare parents.”
Also It would help if you identified which country you are referring to and not just assume. This is after all a UK site
You are absolutely right. I posted the wrong site. I gleaned my information many years ago, and I rushed to put that site there. I am sorry. I will post one of the websites I saw previously.
I'm from the US. bolenreport.com/robert-f-ke...
" The vaccine industry when I was a boy was $270 million dollars. I got three vaccines and was fully compliant. Today it is a $50 billion dollar industry and 20% of pharmaceutical revenues.
But that’s at the front end.
At the back end are all the chronic diseases that the FDA says they think are associated with vaccines. A hundred and fifty diseases are now listed on the product inserts. The reason they’re listed on the product inserts is because the FDA has made the determination that these injuries are more likely caused by a vaccine.
This is the chronic disease epidemic.
I have six kids. I had eleven brothers and sisters. I had over fifty cousins. I didn’t know a single person with a peanut allergy. Why do all my kids have food allergies? Because they were born after 1989.
If you were born prior to 1989, your chance of having a chronic disease, according to HHS (Health and Human Services) is 12.8%. If you are born after 1989, your chance of having a chronic disease is 54%. And the FDA has said to the vaccine companies, you need to take a look at these diseases.
And what are these diseases?
They’re the neuro-developmental diseases, ADD, ADHD, language delays, speech delays, tics, Tourette Syndrome, ASD, and autism. The auto-immune disorders, Guillan-Barre, multiple sclerosis, juvenile diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis. The anyphylactic diseases, food allergies, rhinitis, asthma, and eczema. All of these exploded in 1989.
Congress ordered the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) to find out which year this disease epidemic started. And EPA did that study. They said it started in 1989. There are a lot of culprits. Many new things. We have cell-phones. We have PFOA (perfluorooctanic acid). We have ultra-sound. We have glyphosate. We have many other things. Our kids are swimming in a toxic soup.
We’re not saying all of those illnesses came from vaccines. But there is no intervention that is so exquisite and precisely timed as what happened when we went in 1989 and changed that vaccine schedule and raised the levels of aluminum and mercury, tripled and quintupled them. We went from the 3 vaccines that I had, to the 72 my kids had, and to the 75 that kids are going to get next year. And there are 273 new vaccines in the pipeline.
Some doctors helping anti-vaccine parents get medical exemptions.
California banned 'personal belief' vaccine exemptions for children entering school three years ago. But a disturbing trend has emerged.
I work at a hospital. If I don’t get the required flu vaccine I am terminated.