Parkinson pain relief. - About 2 weeks ago I had an awful fall. Nothing broken but a lot of pain. Had paracetamol Neurofren, Naproxen and Liquid Morphine. Helped a little but not a lot.
Has anyone any ideas?
Parkinson pain relief. - About 2 weeks ago I had an awful fall. Nothing broken but a lot of pain. Had paracetamol Neurofren, Naproxen and Liquid Morphine. Helped a little but not a lot.
Has anyone any ideas?
Where does it hurt? Two weeks is a long time to be in that much pain. Are you sure nothing is broken?
I slipped on a concrete slope fell backwards and landed on my shoulders. X-ray says nothing broken. Intense pain which has got better. Still not doing much.
Still resting every afternoon
I was wondering why the painkillers didn’t work. Well they did work but not completely.
Was wondering if that had anything to do with Parkinson’s.
Hello All,
I like everyone here has a myriad of pains. For 3 years I have tried to use nothing but Cannabis for PAIN. It works 80% for Moderate pain. EVERYTHING ELSE is bad for us. If you live where it's legal, Please try that.
Get away from the drugs, all of which have side effects. Take curcumin/tumeric. It cuts the inflammation, which is what causes the pain.