Is it a good idea to ask specialist about clinical trials for Parkinsons? OR?
Parkinsons Clinical trials: Is it a good... - Cure Parkinson's
Parkinsons Clinical trials

There are so many different clinical trials in so many different phases, it's hard for any body to keep track of them all and for the most part, clinical trials are not really relevant to their practice, so I have found most doctors are not on top of them (but may feel the need to know) -- meaning they probably are not the best persons to ask. Best to do your own research and ask other PWP on this HU forum.
If you are interested in participating in a trial the mjff trial finder is a good resource
Winnie’s suggestion is a good one. foxtrialfinder.michaeljfox....
Research is important and it is both OK to ask and to use other research finding resources.

Very important I Imagine.........thanks for info
Go to, then you can search for what interests you. There's a blank to put in the disease (parkinson's) and a keyword (stem cells, perhaps? dyskinesia? sleep disorder? diet? ...whatever you might be thinking of) and then another place to tick off whether you only want to see trials that are actively recruiting. You can pick whether you want to see only observational trials (where they don't DO anything other than watch) or interventional ones (where they DO something.) You can also limit the search to age groups, and to sex.
If you hit advanced search, you can limit more. For example, there's a map feature so you can find trials near you.
If you want to try a new treatment, I have done it...ask.