Well, believe it or not, it can produce cyanide.
Warning about ground flaxseed: mol.im/a... - Cure Parkinson's
Warning about ground flaxseed

Here is the link to the actual report :
The report mentions a number of consumables including cassava, almonds and stone fruit liquor.
"It is mentioned that for some foods the approach may be overly conservative due to the delayed and/or incomplete release of cyanide from the cyanogenic glycosides depending on many factors, as was demonstrated for linseed. "[emphasis added]
On pages 37 to 38 of this report they list known cases of cyanide poisoning from food: one case due to Laetrile plus bitter almonds, quite a number of cases from cassava, one case due to alcohol steeped cherries¸ and a case due to preparation called amygdalin. There were no cases reported of cyanide poisoning due to flaxseeds.
Why then did the Daily Mail single out flaxseeds?
This is one of many occasions when we find the scientific report is not accurately presented by the popular media. The moral of the story is never take the word of the popular media - always look at the actual report.
... or not. Looking at it more closely, they make some pretty incredible leaps. nutritionfacts.org/video/sh...
I love Daily Mail. However you have to take the good with the bad and a grain of salt. It keeps me amused, I read it when I feel bad, when I feel good, when I want to be really scared, almost any mood. Finally, I'm addicted to something. I read the comments to this story, I guess nobody died from cyanide poisoning. Mary
After grinding it should be refrigerated or in the freezer. The oil can go rancid pretty fast.
I credit GROUND flax seed for my lack of CONSTIPATION; a huge soup spoon full every morning in my cereal. Because it becomes less efficient with time [in the ground state] I only grind one week supply at a time.
I grind mine fresh each morning with pumpkin seed, sunflower seed and almond.
Then I grind my coffee 😊
I suppose that I must be immortal, then, as I have eaten cyanide-laced apricot pits by the handfuls, since the 70's, when they were first made illegal as a cancer cure. I had gotten a 5 gallon bucket full when I managed the warehouse for a company called Organic Foods and Gardens, in Los Angeles.
Wake up, people, elements bound in their naturally-occurring form are often harmless. After they are highly refined and concentrated is when they become toxic, and that is what the pharmaceutical industry does.
So-called scientists are often no more than well-paid liars, willing to do just about anything for money, including the condemnation of nature's healing herbs and seeds, while promoting the health-destroying drugs, medications that have so often become the subjects of legal actions. That is why I prefer to put my trust in the time-proven solutions offered from Mother Nature by holistic sources such as ayurvedic medicines.