My Parkinson's tremor brings on sciatic pain and my sciatic pain creates more stress which creates more tremor. I'm thinking about deep massage to break the vicious cycle. Anybody had this problem?
Sciatic pain and Parkinson's tremor - Cure Parkinson's
Sciatic pain and Parkinson's tremor

Beurer HK35 Electronic Heat Pad - I have tried deep massage and Chiro’s and osteos with short term success, but for £30 on amazon, a mains powered heat pad is more effective and extremely cheap to run.
Best regards, Phil 2bats
hi 2 bats yes i have both pd and scitatic very painful so far today i have 1 used 1 madopar 200/50 today 2 pain killers a few other things im finding if i just walk in the morning sometimes through the pain im ok for awhile i have a lamp that i use as well its a red light one infra redlight very good for the skin and pain i use it every day very cheap in the internet also i also buy magnesium oil very good rub all the painful parts of the body .hope this helps you regards john.
Thank you 2bats. When you say "short-term success" with massage. Can you define short-term in hours days or weeks please?
They work for a day or two - and sometimes make it worse!
Best regards, Phil 2bats
vwolff yes massage will help - try diaphragmatic breathing too, which can assist in reducing the stress of this cycle - which in turn will help with the healing post massage. Good luck
Hey, once you see a masseuse and explain the sciatica situation they’ll be able to direct you to exercises and frequency based on the level of manipulation required to ease the sciatica. Best to be directed by a professional as you want to ensure you’re massaging the correct way and amount. Stretching and mobility exercises help too, which can complement the massages
Don't know if this will help you, but here's what has worked for me (no PD, maybe prodromal MSA)):
for immediate, short-term relief
- Magnesium oil applied to lower back
- Oral CBD oil
- TENS on lower back*
long-term relief
- static stretching, hold positions for 90 sec, stretch like a ballet dancer
(it does feel terribly uncomfortable while doing it); yoga would probably work as well
- alkaline water with added magnesium chloride, potassium bicarbonate and calcium chloride
- reducing oxalate consumption (but I was consuming an inordinate amount of oxalates)
* this is for short-term pain blocking. It may be possible to use TENS or microcurrent therapy for long term relief. I've been looking into electrical stimulation and have found that percutanous tibial nerve stimulation (PTNS; using a needle electrode at one end) is used for lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and constipation; some have suggested that transcutaneous (just regular pad electrodes) would work just as well. Perhaps tibial nerve stimulation could be useful for sciatica and chronic constipation, also.
Well, I have suffered from what I thought was sciatica for 5yrs now. Previously I have tried a special heating pad ($300), PT, massage weekly for 10 yrs., magnesium oil, CBD oil, When I was researching DBS one neurologist said it was DYSTONIA. My pain is on the left leg and runs from my butt to my ankle. Lots of cramping pain. C/L helps a little bit but can not sit for more than 10-20 min w/out cramping. I am told that DBS may help. Just had it done 3 wks ago. Programming tweaking takes months to adjust. I've tried so many things. Hoping DBS will be the answer for tremors, dyskinesia, and of course Dystonia. You may want to look into Dystonia treatments if you don't get results.