I have been diagnosed with Parkinsons for 5 years. I also have disc degenerative disease and a posture condition due to the Parkinsons which causes my head to lean forward and to the side. I have been in Physical therapy for almost a year trying to hold my head up straight. My question is; does anyone else have widespread pain, especially when getting up and in the evening. I work full-time and work 12 hour shifts so exercise time is limited. I take Tramadol for pain and also I am on Lyrica, Ropinirole ER, Rytary currently , clonazepam for sleep and Cymbalta. My major symptom is a tremor, which gets worse with anxiety or when I am tired. I can handle the Parkinsons, but just cannnot get ahead of this pain!
I am new to this site and I enjoy the give and take. I am thankful for any and all ideas as to how to cope with this pain or how to decrease it. Thanks!