Just would like to know how many of you with Parkinsons have also had Lymes Disease at some point in your life? Thanks!
Link between Lymes Disease and Parkinsons??? - Cure Parkinson's
Link between Lymes Disease and Parkinsons???

Hi! My husband got diagnosed with Parkinson’s 3 year ago at 35 and we got a private lymes disease test done that came back positive, we just don’t have the money to treat him privately at the minute and the nhs won’t treat him even though our GP sent him for a Lyme disease test and it came back positive too

So Lymes is treated with an antibiotic named Doxycycline, is there no way to treat him with this antibiotic?
Yes you can but the treatment that he was going to have was a bit more intense and they said it could take upto a year to treat, he also has a lot of other co infections too as well as the Lyme. It’s all very confusing to us and frustrating that the nhs won’t help us.

Hello my is Consuelo I'm on this site to better help my father meanwhile came across this... Just wanted to let you know that I work in a Natural herb store ... I have had quite a few of my customers say they rid themselves from Lyme by using LDM , garlic, high vitamin C.
They passionately tell me these stories so I can past it on to help others.
If you need more information you can email me at : nconsuela@gmail.com
God bless!
Thank you! That’s great! I will email you
Yes, in 1990. I had no symptoms other than the top half of my right lip was numb. I went to the doctor since it was so odd and she said something about Facial Palsy, did a blood test, diagnosed Lyme and put me on antibiotics for 30 days. I've been wondering about this myself and will be interested in reading yours and other's thoughts. I asked for a blood test when I was diagnosed 7 years ago and was told it was negative for Lymes. I recently pulled it out and saw I tested positive for 2 of the titres, but read somewhere you need to test positive for three.
As an RN I only know of 2 tests; 1. ELISA test, if this is positive then 2. Western Blot test is used to confirm diagnosis. What were your results of these tests?
I just checked. Test was for B. Burgdorferi, IgG WB
Mine was negative with One band, Lyme 41 kD IgG Reactive
I remembered 2. According to what I pasted below, 5 of 10 bands reactive is considered positive. I don’t know what this result means. Do you?
IgG western blots which have 5(or more)of the 10 significant bands are considered Positive for specific antibody to B.burgdorferi.
(Proceedings of the 2nd Conf. on Lyme Disease, Dearborn, Mi, 1994.)
I had Lyme disease and certain related coinfections for years prior to being diagnosed with Parkinson’s 4 years ago.
Hubby started off with Lyme Disease - went to Chronic Lyme which affected dopamine - morphed into Parkinsonism (some call it "ism" if there aren't any tremors)
My husband had Lyme, dx and treated about 4 years ago. Dx with Parkinson's 1 year ago. I have also wondered if the Lyme somehow triggers the Parkinson's.
12 years ago after a day of hiking in Yosemite, I found a tick between my toes. A few weeks later, the "bullseye" rash appeared on my leg. I went in for a test, which was negative. Since then I've learned that the tests routinely done in the US aren't accurate. Six months after finding the tick, I noticed the first symptoms of what I thought might be Lyme. Over the next year I was tested 2 more times, but all were negative. Finally, I got in to see a neurologist who told me that I had PD. After that, thoughts of Lyme went out of my head until recently.
One theory that is gaining crediblilty is that one "vector" for PD begins with exposure to a disease that can infect first the gut, then travel through the vagus nerve to infect the brain. The idea is that the gut recognizes the danger to the brain and sends α-synuclein to the brain as a way of helping to fight the disease. But something goes wrong and the α-synuclein protiens become misfolded as they travel along the vagus. It's not as far-fetched as it might sound at first.
Very interesting!
Yes First a very stubborn case of Lyme about 6 years ago. Persistent facial neuropathy then dx Parkinsons 16 months ago and now three different neurologists are conveying I likely have Cortical Basal Degeneration (CBD) or PSP.
To Emup ... try to find or read information from a “lyme literate” doctor. Here in the US there are a vast number of doctors very ill informed about lyme. If you present with a bull’s-eye you do have Lyme disease. If you consult with a highly experienced doctor who knows Lyme disease they will convey that the tests are very imprecise and give incorrect readings as often as not. Take a look at ILADS or Burrascano or Jemsek.
Personally I am not convinced there is a link....but Lyme, PD and CBD are all-in their central essence neurological diseases...so I will not be surprised by science confirming connections.
had rocky mountain spotted fever, then 2 yrs later PD or PSP, they don't know which) came on. Neurologist is Dr. Fang, Vanderbilt.