I have linked the start of my parkinsons with fungicides and pesticides treatment over 30 years ago, so many others I talk to also can be linked with some sort contact with toxic chemicals! Can anyone else relate to this! I have also noticed a link with printers that came into contact with hot ink vapor ?
Fungicides and pesticides link to parkins... - Cure Parkinson's
Fungicides and pesticides link to parkinsons!

Oh yes, permethrin, a common ingredient in home use "flea bombs" had been thought to be non-toxic but exposure triples the odds of getting Parkinson's. More at Parkinson's and Pesticides tinyurl.com/y8tckmx4
Thanks, I tick numerous contactson the list! I have also come across a number of people who have come into contact with dry cleaning vapour and dental workers with mercury vapour!
I grew up on a farm next to an orchard and I remember being damp with whatever the orchard was sprayed with. Also, our well was just a few yards from the orchard and we were always eating the fruit without washing it. This was in the 50s and 60s so I bet it was some pretty gnarly stuff being sprayed on those trees. My sister has Addison's disease among other health problems.
Another member of our local group was involved in spaying for a local parks and lost his sense of smell! He is certain this causedhis parkingson's
I also learned post-diagnosis that the use of agent-orange/dioxin was not limited to Vietnam. It was also used to clear foliage along the perimeters of bases and airstrips of neighboring SE Asia countries including the one I patrolled along for a year...
It's also no coincidence that the manufacturer of agent orange is Monsanto the makers of Roundup the number one weedkiller!
Whoa... didn't realize that. Evil enterprise, seems they've got a monopoly on poisoning food, air, and water.
yes, I am very chemically sensitive. Things that have made my symptoms worse were testers paint for model cars, etc and paint thinner, chlorine, things in store laundry isle, perfumes, water sealant, smoke . ,creams and shampoos
Over 17 years ago, I met a beautiful young lady and her twin sister, who were in an orchard when a crop-spraying aircraft went overhead and they were covered in the chemical.
They later both presented with Pd. They both then started cycling, to help them cope with the Pd symptoms. I have not seen or heard from them since.
I lived in farming countryside of Maryland in the Spring they literally "dusted" the land around us with pesticides.
It amazes me that we all have our reasons we're partnered with this, and we can all be comforted by putting the blame somewhere......
Isn't prevention better than a cure! We need to learn and inform
yes, i can relate. i think the majority of pd cases are caused by toxins. my mom remembers, when she was a kid, how they sprayed pestisides from planes, and how it would rain down on them. i started developing neuro problems a week after i had an amalgam filling removed improperly. my mercury level was 8 times what is considered a high level. i think our generation has been exposed to alot of mercury- besides the dental fillings, theres the old thermometers (they used to break and we all thought it was great fun to play with it). i worked as a nurses aide in the 70s, and sometimes we would drop a whole tray of them. if that much mercury was spilled today, the hazmat team would be there to clean up. and when we got injured, what did our mothers put on our cuts & scrapes? - mercurichrome! not to mention, all the vaccines. i think future generations will see less cases of parkinsons, with more dentists using safer alternatives, and removing mercury from some childhood vaccines (not all). and adult vaccines still contain mercury.
now if we can just get them to stop manufacturing cfl lightbulbs. if people knew how toxic these lightbulbs are, they would never put them in their homes. below is a link with the epa recommendations for clean up of a broken cfl bulb. its so ridiculious. it would be funny, if it wasnt so scary. no one is gonna go through all that just to clean up a bulb, if they even know that theyre supposed to (which im sure the majority of people dont). theyre gonna think- "a little mercury wont hurt me". but it could just be the straw that broke the camels back.
we need to be aware of what we put into our bodies, and how it affects us. we cant trust the epa, the ama, the ada or the fda to keep us safe.
link for epa clean up of cfl bulbs (didnt come up properly from previous post....
Affirmed in new study:
Parkinson's disease risk in Louisiana linked to use of two herbicides and a pesticide: study.