Anyone ever experienced Levodopa induced dystonia? (NOT dyskinesia)
If you experienced it first hand, how did you get relief from this specific kind of dystonia?
I am on cl 25/100. Dystonia appeared on affected side a couple of days after starting cl in Feb.
It is different from my "regular" PD rigidity: hand curling up in a closed fixed position as opposed to flexed joints and stiff finger with my regular PD.
I had the same effect first time on cl in 2017 and had abandoned after 1 1/2 month.
Unlike 2017, now taking it with low dose B1 (high dose induced overdose, tried for months) and really wish I could carry on with cl to test B1 longer.
I am non tremor dominant, female, diagnosed in 2017 at age 55. Rigidity mostly on left side.
Thank you