Clinical trial will assess the safety and tolerability in Parkinson’s patients to ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) – a drug which is hoped could potentially be re-positioned to help slow down the progression of the disease
Liver drug trialled in Parkinson’s patien... - Cure Parkinson's
Liver drug trialled in Parkinson’s patients in UK trial

I sent them an email today and asked them about the expected completion date. Their reply as under
"Thank you very much for your email. The trial is expected to last approximately three years. If you need any additional information regarding the trial do contact
I hope that helps.
Best wishes and many thanks
Amy "
I came across a YouTube video presentation on the trial by the lead investigator, Oliver Bandmann. He does a great job of explaining all the difficulties in the clinical trial process. It is quite disheartening to hear that even in the UK, the patent status of the drug is a factor in getting a trial run (no patent - no money - no trial, usually).
UDCA sounds really interesting. Some people on the life extension community are using TUDCA, a related compound, as a preventative for AD (clearing amyloid). IIRC there have been studies on amyloid clearance using TUDCA and doxycycline.
UDCA is still listed on Science of Parkinson's as a "Priority Project." It started in 2018 and is to take 3 years. Have you followed this study? Do you know its current status?