I have a question for you folks. I am taking 1 tsp of 15% Mucuna in a cup of green tea and it puts me to sleep shortly after. This happens whether I just had a good nights sleep, midday or before bed. I also take Sinemet 25/100 3x/day. Does Mucuna affect anyone else like that? Any thoughts or suggestions?
Mucuna Sleepiness?: I have a question for... - Cure Parkinson's
Mucuna Sleepiness?

Hi, you take 1tsp 15 %, but how many mg of MP are in the tsp ?
I’m not so good at this... Sun Potion Mucuna Pruriens , 1/2 teaspoon = 1.25g 15% L-dopa. So I am taking 6 times the “serving size” by prescription from my neurologist.
Last week I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and, thankfully, I don’t fall asleep at the drop of the hat as often.(My original post was 3 months ago...)
Thanks for any ideas on the mucuna!! I need to try taking it again mid-day to see if it has the same effect. Seems like everyday is an experiment to balance out everything for optimal wellness!
You'd have to weigh out the Mucuna powder you are taking to get an exact figure, but from my experience one tsp of 15% Mucuna is approximately equivalent to 450mg L-Dopa. That's a pretty large dose. Added to the L-Dopa you are already getting with Sinemet, you might be ingesting too much L-Dopa. I don't know the answer to how much L-Dopa is too much, but as a guideline, Sylvestrov on this forum has recommended limiting L-Dopa intake to 1 gram per day. Keep in mind that you want the L-Dopa in your brain, not in your body. Maybe someone out there has more knowledge on this subject than I do.
Thanks so much!
Good morning ! I triple checked Sun Potion info, and have a clearer understanding of the product. Do you think you just acquired Sleep Apnea, or may have had it, but not realized it ? Do you have to hook up to a machine at night so you don't interrupt breathing ?
Either way, your body is probably starved for sleep, and the heavy dose of MP puts you to sleep. Some people on this site report it puts them to sleep, for me, if I take too much it makes me feel a bit loopy.
What was your neurologist's take on this ?
Have you heard of the book by Dr Rafel Maldonado, check it out on HU and google it. Good little bk with info on Mucuna use.
Thanks so very much Kerrington...On my way to work, so I will respond in more detail later. I appreciate your help!!
Thanks for your patience! I now believe I have had sleep apnea for 4 years or so. I had a “borderline” diagnosis so opted to leave it untreated. Upon revisiting that situation due to my disruptive snoring the clinic said the sleep study was conclusive. Maybe I didn’t want to hear it or they didn’t explain it well. At any rate, I am dealing with it now. My neurologist cut me back from a tablespoon to a teaspoon, but not much other than that. Thanks for the reading recommendation! I will check it out!! thanks for taking the time to help me...I greatly appreciate your thoughts!!
Hi ! So now that your mucuna dose was cut, are you still falling asleep ? BTW, I'm on 15 % anywhere from 125 mg to 400 mg every 3 1/2 to 4 hrs, depending on the situation...mostly I'm on the lower end. I'm also on the B 1 protocol 750 mg 2x day, and a few other supplements.
Cutting the dosage and taking it before bed works...need to fall asleep anyway. I need to retry the mucuna during the day after I get used to the cpap to see if I still fall asleep. I also take 1000 mg of B1 2x a day-won’t go without that!! I have a letter size sheet of paper with all the stuff I take. It’s expensive and inconvenient, but, overall, I am doing better than I was without them so I don’t complain...much... 😆 lol Best wishes for a good/functional day!!
P.S. Compared to you, Kerrington, my mucuna dose seems so high. Especially since I am only 1 year post diagnosis. I think I will revisit this with my neurologist. Don’t need to be overdoing things...
Well, if you are doing good I wouldn't change it. You seem to have lucked ? out with a good neurologist, who listened to you and adjusted the MP dose. The fact that she is trying alternative supplements is great.
I probably don't take enough MP. You see I'm retired, and when I don't go out I use less, but once I meet friends for dinner etc. I take tons more. ENJOY your weekend !
Thanks, you, too!! Yes I am blessed beyond with my neurologist. I have to pay out of pocket for her, but she is worth her weight in gold. I take the same amount of medication/supplements consistently because I want to feel as well as possible all the time, but I might feel differently if I was retired and home more. Thanks again for your good help and insight!!
Don't work too hard