The study was conducted by the researchers at the Boyce Thompson Institute and John Hopkins University.
Aspirin could help treat Alzheimer’s, Par... - Cure Parkinson's
Aspirin could help treat Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s diseases

Thanks, Iqbaliqbal.
They should try to compare the percentage of PWP among people taking regularly aspirin and other people (with regard of age etc.). Looks as if such databases exists in european northern countries.
Ibuprofen or aspirin?? Conflicting results.
The benefits of aspirin have been piling up: reduced heart disease, stopping cancer, and now this. Here's how to get the benefits of daily aspirin without the risk of increased bleeding and other aspirin side effects.
Interesting !
But how to go ketogenic and vegetarian at the sale time ?
This recent abstract (October 2018) suggests that ibuprofen taken intranasally has a positive impact on PD model mice :
The article says it could help?I have been taking 75m aspirin for 20 years on a daily basis.Was diagnosed with PD 2 years ago?Not taking any of these so called researches seriously!!