I am looking for caps that are more than 500 mg each. Anyone know where to get it and the size of the cap? Also anyone use the powder? What does it taste like?
Looking for B1 High dose/ use of powder B1 - Cure Parkinson's
Looking for B1 High dose/ use of powder B1

The email is on title
Thank-you for the information. I didn't want to bother the doctor, but because my husband has had PD since before 2008, and had had a stroke I think the doctor might be interested in how the treatment works for my husband, or would have some other suggestions. It sounds like the shots are the way to go....if a person can get a doctor to actually read the information and give the injections..
If you are in the US, find a doctor who will write the prescription and after one or two shots by a medical professional (to make sure there is no negative reaction) you can do the shots for him. It is an intramuscular shot and is very easy to do. But write to Dr. C first.
Thanks Juliegrace. We are trying out a new PCP this week, I plan to ask him, if there is time. The hospital our movement disorder doctor works for is not making any new appointments for him next year even though doc says see him in January.
Regular docs are somewhat resistant to alternative remedies. You may need to see a naturopath.
Can a naturopath write a script? I have a chiropractor that is very holistic and would write a script for me if she could.
I don't think a naturopath is allowed to write scripts in my state. I stopped at the office of one and asked specifically if the naturopath could write scripts. No was the answer I received. I call a chiropractor in my state and the state next to me and they can not write scripts. Hay my optometrist can! And she just might do it. Thanks for getting to to think outside the box.
500 mg is the largest commercial version I have seen. That goes in a 00 size capsule. The most you can get by hand in a 00 size capsule is 400 mg. You can get about 36%-50% more in a 000 size capsule. If you try this you will need a jig to produce them. Per Google:
"Capsule Sizes. "000" holds about 1000 mg., "00" holds about 735 mg.,"
These numbers do not apply to thiamine because it is less dense than your typical supplement powder. Also, if you try this you will need a compaction tool to compress the powder after it is put in the capsule to maximize the amount.
Thiamine powder by itself is extremely bitter. Someone here is able to get it down by mixing it with blackcurrant juice.
Yes my husband uses powder he dissolves it in black currant juice , after a while he has become used to the bitter taste. I weighed the powder in a 500mg capsule and there was an average of 400mg in a capsule so he only uses about 1.60g x twice a day .
Thank-you for your reply. I have filled capsules before but I don't remember what size or what they were for. I never had a compactor. I will try to find out how big a 000 is. My husband has trouble swallowing, so I was hoping the powder might work. It doesn't sound like it will.
000 is pretty big. Here is a chart showing sizes:
Dr c says not to take it with juice I think?
Thank-you for telling me that. I was hopeful on the grape juice. Maybe you should tell Roypop or one of the people working so hard to spread the word about B1, that fruit juice is a no no.
I use the powder. It’s very bitter. I add mine to coconut water. You soon get used to the taste.
I have taken capsules and powder. The 500 mg capsules and tablets are the largest I have found. I've taken the pure bulk powder in Gatorade and it is still bitter, but tolerable for me. I have also added my xylitol dose with the Gatorade and B-1 and the sweetness that the xylitol adds is an improvement. I found Powerade a little better than Gatorade.
I think Ernie started by mixing in Gatorade, but it seems like he might have mentioned just using water, but that would be very bitter to me and would require a chaser I would think.
Lastly, yogurt might be an option for mixing.

Thank-you for your information. I think we will have to say with 500 mg. capsules.
I have a friend who takes both and he mainly uses the capsules when he is out and about and then will use the bulk powder when home.
Vitacost 500 mg capsules are significantly easier to swallow than the Solgar 500 mg tablets. Also, there are other brands out there that are the wrong form of thiamine/B-1 and there are some that have magnesium in them and neither one is suitable for the protocol.

Thank-you Art, that is good to know. I purchased BioPower , 500 mg /200 caps off Amazon. It is pure Thiamine Hydrochloride.
That's more expensive than Vitacost, but they are still out of stock so I am going to add a link to the thiamine primer page so your suggestion can be used by other members in the future if Vitacost runs out again!

I could not find the Vitacost on Amazon, you just explained why, thanks. I was going to do a search this AM for it.

I did write a letter to Dr. C and sent it to him, thanks to you telling me how to do it. I know it took a lot of time to type that up and to give detailed instructions like you did. I appreciate it.
Did someone add your email instructions to one of the other sights on B1? I dk how or I would add it to the B1 forum and the 53 questions. Thank-you again
The directions for emailing using the Deep L Translator are on the "thiamine primer page", here under Q&A 6b:

Yes I've gotten somewhat use to to the taste but I now chase it down with a bit of grape juice which is very sweet so it does the trick.

Don’t poweraid and Gatorade have a lot of unnatural additives? Also the b vitamins in these drinks are likely to be cyanocobalamin and folic acid so not recommended for myone with a mthfr Gene defect I think? They should take Methyl or adenosyl cobalamin b12 and methylfolate.
Thank-you for your input. Grape juice is so strong a taste it might work. Can't hurt, might help.
What about combining it with the mannitol in a drink? Haven’t tried it though.
DK what mannitol is. If it is a PD drug, everything we have tried other than C/L has adverse side effects.