Don't you think that this is weird sometimes? Yesterday, the binmen came (garbage guys to our cousins in the States) and so when they'd finished I went to retrieve the bins. Just doing this one job left me quite tired and I had to rest a while and certainly felt 'under par'. Anyway, an hour later I'm in the gym and do 30 minutes cross trainer, 15 minutes bike at 85 rpm and then I go on the rowing machine for 1000 metres. I have this little challenge whereby I see how quickly I can do the latter distance. In June I was at the 4.55/4.50 mark but - on the day when I struggle to bring the bin back - I manage to break my record and achieve 4.16. Odd how we can be so fatigued one minute and then find the energy to achieve something so demanding eh? I can't begin to understand it.
The contradictory nature of PD fatigue - Cure Parkinson's
The contradictory nature of PD fatigue

Yesterday morning i felt so fatigued after walking up 7 steps to someone's front door. Then yesterday afternoon i did a full workout with weights at the gym.
Exactly as you say. ???
My husband often feels fatigued when he has to do something he is dreading or dislikes or feels inadequate for. But if it is a pleasurable activity or hobby he seems to have enough energy. I wonder if it is because dopamine provides the motivation to do things so maybe not so much is required to get over the required threshold to do something you like but more to do something you don’t enjoy as much?
Jeeves, any conection with drug times?
Hi Hikoi. Not that I know of but I’ll observe.
You are correct about being fatigued now and hour later energetic but I think we should not associate everything with PD. Even if we didn’t have PD , we could have experienced such up and downs. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Well PD fatigue is pretty infamous Kia and I don’t remember feeling like this before I was dxed. It I hear what you’re saying. I get some neuropathy in toes these days and it might be PD related but it might be something else. Hope you’re still as well as ever 😊
My version of this is not feeling like I have the energy to do my exercise routine, then once I get started I discover I do have the energy.