Hi, have not wrote for awhile. Thanks to all who replied to my wife's charley horses which went into severe pain all over her body but all ways the legs. I use all the natural things you all mentioned. The pain at bottom of ribs above the stomach bothers me and why there. It has also caused her to freeze up and able to walk, turn in bed and feels as she has no legs. She is on gabapentin now, 100mg 3 times day then 200, 300 and now 600mg 3 times day and still pain , but not as often maybe every 3 days or can be several days in a row. But this not being able to move is very disturbing. Does anyone have any input. We have gotten of sinemet(carbolevo) and take mucuna powder in place of. Still take pramipexol for jumping of legs during the pain times. Takes levothyroxin, mestinonand flourdrocort for low blood pressure caused by carbo Levo, hit d3 , hit b1 2 grams, calcium magnesium and probiotics. She just had another uti over with this week took different antibiotic for. Any input is appreciated. Thanks troy wife's husband.
Cipro and mestinon: Hi, have not wrote for... - Cure Parkinson's
Cipro and mestinon

I'm sorry to hear your wife is going through this! Does she see a regular movement disorder neurologist who is a specialist in Parkinson's disease, or just a regular neurologist ? Sounds like she needs some intensive intervention by some experts. Here's an article which may give you some ideas. parkinsons.ie/userfiles/fil...
Thank you for your reply. Yes she does go to a movement disorder neuroligist that does research. The local neuroligist only know what drugs to take. She has has a problem with dimentia and she can not manage her meds. I take care of everything. We have had a bad time with doctors have given her the wrong drugs that has caused us much grief and hardship. Thanks
Did she have trouble remembering before the cipro? I am 37 & now have brain fog, forget small words. Its all very scary!
Sorry not look at forum much but been busy. She was not bad on memory be for cipro only after cipro and mestino.. Then in July 2017 became mostly paralyzed. Pain still to this day.
You may want to watch these two very short videos.

Thank you very much. I watch both videos. Hope I got his web site right. You seem knowledgeable from your previous post. Thanks troy
You mentioned, "another uti" in your post. With uti's come excess inflammation and oxidative stress, exactly what PWPs do not need since that is already a problem for PWPs! It might be helpful to find out from your doctor which bacteria is causing the uti's as there are natural treatments for some of these bacteria that are noninvasive. Antibiotics can work initially, but because of their method of action are prone to becoming ineffective over time as the bacteria develops resistance to it.
As an example, the most common bacteria that causes uti's is Escherichia coli (abbreviated as E. coli). D-Mannose (D-M), a common supplement in the form of a powder that is similar in look and taste to powdered sugar, can effectively treat these type of uti's in a noninvasive manner by binding to the pathogen and preventing the pathogen from sticking to the bladder wall surface, thereby allowing the offending pathogen to be passed safely in the urine. D-M has a very good safety profile and can be taken by merely mixing the DM with water! D-M also has the major advantage, because of its method of action, that the bacteria can not become resistant to it.
Getting rid of one problem at a time can be very helpful in lowering the total inflammatory and oxidative stress burden and easing disease symptoms.

Sorry been taking care of wife. She is paralyzed and do not know why. Do not leave bedroom, I just get her food and try to make comfortable, which is hard to do with the pain also. I give her d-mannose and a friend brought some herbs in bulk to make tea for preventing uti. Thank you for input. Troy
Just remember that D-Mannose will only work for E. coli infections, which is the most common uti pathogen, but there are other pathogens that cause uti's so having your doctor tell you what type of infection it is would be useful information.
Please keep us posted on your wife.

Art, doc will have culture back lat Thursday or Friday we will see thanks.
easilly is right. the antibiotics are a problem. a uti can be treated naturally with homeopathy without the side effects of antibiotics. i have included a link explaining the problems and treatment options. i have used homeopathy for my daughter in the past and it was effective, without side effects.
Could potassium help? My hubby has Parkinson's. He is having trouble getting up from bed or chair but once walking is ok but has to be careful. We both have had leg cramps. I'm giving him B vitamins. He hates pills but takes his regular meds. ok. I take a multi and several others, 40,000 vit D one day a week plus several meds. I have Fibro. and have that pain below ribs. Don't know why. Hope your wife's problems can be solved. M.A. in USA
muscle spasms are usually the result of dehydration. my husband froze as though paralyzed for years, usually after exercise. by accident, we discovered he was short of potassium and that potassium paralysis is fairly common....never mentioned by doctors, however. suggest you make sure she is hydrated and use a good quality electrolyte (PureCaps powder) several times a day. THEN, you can probably weed out the obvious and concentrate of what's left. don't try to just give potassium....it's not something for DIY. you can try the electrolytes, tho.