What an interesting, annoying and time consuming disease Parkinsons is!
I have been injecting hubby with 2mls Vit B1 twice a week since meeting Dr Costantini on 5th June. Results have been very mixed and certainly he has not had the dramatic improvement that some have noted here. One day, two weeks ago I videoed him scrambling eggs and talking animatedly and I of course thought joyously that this state would continue and sent the video off to family victoriously. It works! Yay! I pronounced with glee.
Sadly the very next day he was much worse. He had started freezing badly and was unable to get out of a chair or bed with out help. His balance was so bad that he had a few falls. The last week has been hell. Last night he took a Sinemet tablet and when it kicked in he stood up got something to eat from the fridge and then sat down. Within minutes he froze and needed help to stand up and get put to bed. Half an hour later the meds kicked back in....so strange. Today was injection day and we tossed it around as to whether we continue or stop the injections for a while. Hubby decided to push on with the B1 and today has been a good day for him. His balance seems much better and no freezing. He is starting Atremorine again in the morning...we ran out a month ago and I didn't reorder hoping the B1 was enough. It was doing a great job for the last 18months making the sinemet stable and long lasting and we took it for granted. Hubby has been on Sinemet for far too long and it works pathetically for him.
Sorry for the rant but it gets really frustrating and scary sometimes. I bought the vials of B1 through the website suggested by Dr Costantini and they arrived without a problem...12months supply!
I will update again soon..