The reason why we are short of Thiamine could be a symptom of the diseased biome. This is additional to the alpha synuclein story see section 3.3.2
Thiamine and the biome : The reason why we... - Cure Parkinson's
Thiamine and the biome
How many people beginning Thiamine therapy have actually checked to see her if they are deficient??

Apparently one can have a blood level of thiamine that is acceptable but have brain level that is deficient. That must be the reason for the trial and error dose adjustment for some people. The brain level can’t be easily measured.
This is very good information. Thanks so much for posting this. This paper connects the dots between PD, the Microbiome and how thiamin can be involved in recovery.
My question is, based on the info on thiamine in the section 3.3.2, the author mentions the likely hood of having a defiency of folate and short chain fatty acids along with thiamine deficient condition. Should we add folate and scfa's along with thiamine?
This is a research paper. It would be unwise to use it for medical advice. If your diet is good I wouldn’t supplement it.
But ask Dr Costantini particularly about Folate
It’s the same problem they have with titrating levodopa. The thiamine brain level is interesting . Blood buffer store is platelets. Does thiamine move freely across cell walls and BBB? Is it stored in glial cells?