SLEEP: UNABLE TO SLEEP PAST 1 ANY... - Cure Parkinson's
take a sleeping pill
CBD/Hemp Oil, Melatonin, Noratryptaline
Amitripteline is the answer!!
Make sure your bedroom is a restful colour (eg blue - grey) and 'sleep friendly' at night, ie cool, quiet and completely dark. Especially, switch of for tape over any standby lights.
You don't say how much sleep you get. What time you go to bed?
Go to bed about 10 an sleep until about 1
cshamb, even though I have problems connected to sleep (I am a night owl so have a hard time getting myself in bed at night; also, I have to set an alarm for the middle of the night to get up to take more C/L. Otherwise, I'd sleep the whole night through and, I fear, wouldn't be able to walk the next morning.) But, with all that said, I don't have problems actually going to sleep or staying asleep. Thank God for the small blessings! I know that so many people with PD do have problems with insomnia. I stopped drinking all caffeine and eating any chocolate about 10 years ago. I think it's possible that's why I don't have insomnia. My neuro agrees with me. I don't think I'll ever go back to either caffeine or chocolate, even though there is some thought that both might help with PD symptoms. Sleeping deeply and soundly is just too important to me.
Yes! If you are unable to sleep and that stresses you, then get up and put on something warm and go and sit down in another room and read a dull but interesting book. When you feel sleepy again, which you will, then go back to bed and sleep. No pills and no cost.