Anyone who struggles to sleep well knows how sleep matters to our health - mental and physical. Sometimes, no matter what we do,
Improving sleep / Parkinson's: Anyone who... - Cure Parkinson's
Improving sleep / Parkinson's

Hi, do you have one of those? Do you know somebody that has one of those and has used it? It looks very interesting. It also looks very expensive but you can't put price on sleep
Hi. We make them, and it is interesting (and yes, costs quite a lot). We are still at the small batch 3D printed stage. A few hundred people have used them and there is a case series study at Plymouth Uni to see if it helps with Parkinson's related sleep issues. Outside that study just six people with PD have used it and 5 say it helped them to sleep and have kept it (it's on sale / return). It is lovely to have your interest and I am going to put a discount code onto our Facebook page whilst these discussions are ongoing - tie me 1/2 hr. And yes, I use it myself, and am very grateful for it!
Can you use this if you've had DBS surgery?
Or would it interfere in any way with this?
No. It simply won't work - our device is too low power. and would be overwhelmed by the strength of the dBS signals. DBS inputs much higher frequencies >130Hz at much greater amplitude. We are seeking to match the frequencies of the brain in relaxation (4-12Hz) and deep sleep (0.5 - 4 Hz) at extremely low power - to prompt natural sleep frequencies through a low power signal outside the body rather than to stimulate neurons Sorry1 It is something to try before DBS, i think.
Smaller device, they specifically mentioned for Parkinson's.
Hi, me again. We have two devices - the Zeez Sleep Pebble which creates alpha, and theta relaxing frequencies and then, at the right time through four sleep cycles delta frequencies to encourage deep sleep. We have been testing the Zeez for over three years and recently began selling it, The second device just has 20 mins of alpha, and it is much smaller and more convenient for daytime (wrist worn). We developed it to help people relax. The idea came when seeing my friend with PD panic, but mostly we have used the concept simply to help people who find it hard to relax to become accustomed to relaxing. As you can see, it isn't pretty, but we wanted to get it out, because it can help people who aren't very good at relaxing to do so. I hope that is clear. The other difference - we have the Zeez now - but the alpha device is on pre order. In practise, that means c 6 weeks' wait. So, if you want support to sleep - Zeez. If you want help relaxing - Alpha.Hope that helps
Will the zeez be available in the US?
Yes, but possibly not for a while -we are very much a start up, making small batches. And I'm happy to ship to the United States. You may have to pay customs duty. I'd like to offer this group a special price - depends on exchange rate but is around $330 - normally $400 _ shipping
yes it did thank you
I quite like this mp3 relaxing hypnosis download which apparently has some alpha and theta waves in it. Normally listen to it about 3 am and it sometimes helps me get back to sleep:
Is your jeez device still in production? My husband cannot ever get comfortable and only ever gets 2hrs max a night. That means I only get 2 hrs max too. I am desperate for him to sleep so that I can. You you have a website that I can look this up on?
Hi. That sounds awful for both of you. I am glad that you thought of us.
Yes, our Zeez device is still in production. the website is . Around 25 people with Parkinson's use it and the results of our case series study carried out by Plymouth University has now been published (successful). The university would have liked to carry out a full scale efficacy trial but had no one available to do it. If you look at our reviews, you will see a recent review ( the 4th review) from someone with Parkinson's. We sell on sale / return (we keep £25). Your husband would be best with the Zeez Sleep Pad, given that he moves in bed.
Is the alpha wrist worn for relaxation available on your site? I may have missed it but didn’t see a picture. Thanks
No. We don't have a wrist version. You can use the relaxation frequencies of our Zeez Pebble during the day- just put the Pebble in a pocket close to the skin and the body will pick up the signals. The Pebble starts with 20 mins of alpha frequencies and is easy to switch off and reset if you want more relaxation. Otherwise, the Pad has a dedicated 20 minute relaxation programme.
Hi Connie, I just reread my original post. We didn't manufacture the wrist version - we were let down commercially and haven't had the resources since then,.
Hi Connie. We send devices by courier to the US. They usually arrive within a few days. if you order today you should have it on Monday / Tuesday, although there can still be covid or customs related delays. We have a couple of users with Parkinson's in the US. You could use the pebble in a pocket during the day for relaxation, and use it under your pillow at night for sleep. Many people do this successfully. You should reset the Zeez in your pocket every 20 - 30 mins (the initial alpha signals, which run for 20 ins are the most useful) . Or switch it off after 20 - 30 mins. It needs to be close to the skin - 3mm - a jeans pocket is ideal. Some women tuck it into their underwear. One advantage of the Pad is that it has a greater surgace area so better for people who move around in bed.