Not only exercise is good for the brain but also thinking. Once you have stabilized your body it is time to push your brain but it needs help, lets say something that supplies it's own dopamine and flushes out toxins. I wonder what I would turn to.???????????
Exercise : Not only exercise is good for... - Cure Parkinson's

Real men do not have time to think...
have YOU been told you think to much?
Women need distraction to escape, men need to get lost in fixing something set brain on idle while I jump into my nothing box. I have trained my brain to react not think.
Are those manic thoughts running through my head its attempt to warn me that it is dying ? I can throw up filters or try to understand them. Is that Gods hand when we try to understand things that need great understanding?
Like an inkling panacing because he has run out of ink.
God throws down only the Tough, to see if they can jump up again and get going stronger.. This is the God’s way to develop Life.. The Weak are anyway down, and God does not work with’m..
The answer you shall find in The Kalahari Desert in Africa!!
Experiment = can I have a thought and not express it before I go to bed ?
women you did run the world just not appreciated
OK Rick, what are you trying to tell us ? Just running a household trying to fix the Hell my wife was going through fried both my communication and eternal clock. It is very humbling to find out and admit.
My Hell ended when she retired. I know now that my try to find ways to help her cope where ways to help me cope.
I was able to witness the true ability of the female mind. My son needed surgery. Right before his surgery she became sick. Now my first thought was:
On the day of the surgery she was able to put her sickness on hold take care of my son and
wait until the next day to feel sick again. It was at that point I became aware that she could do what I could not.
Could it be that Parkinson's is the bodies reaction to being overwhelmed. You will never get a man to admit it.