In the last week I have been feeling very tired and fatigued. This is whether I exercise or don't exercise; Sleep a lot; sleep a little...I have also been feeling depressed, both in reaction to having PD and the chemical actions of the PD on my brain itself. Does anyone have any ideas on how to rebuild some energy and ditch depression? Thank you for your kindness. PS This is not only hard on me but hard on my partner ...
Treatment for Fatigue?: In the last week I... - Cure Parkinson's
Treatment for Fatigue?

In another question on today's HU I answered the same question.
We don't suddenly lose our energy, it is still all there! Dopamine is not only a transmitter it is also a 'Motivator'. It is not doing its job because there is too little of it. I find that when I feel too tired or fatigued, I just make myself get out onto the street and start walking. Within five to ten minutes I am walking normally. Try it!
Yes, I get this. Me too. I just had two weeks where I felt the closest to normal in a few years, I actually forgot most of the time that I have PD, then for no apparent reason the past few days I've had no energy and felt depressed. I do not vary my exercise regimen -- every other day hiking for 90 minutes and on alternate days the gym for the same. I do feel slightly better after exercise, but still pretty crappy. I feel my best in the evening, worst in the morning, really hard to get going. Sorry, I have no solutions for you. I look forward to hearing others...
I feel that my fatigue is not helped by poor quality of sleep,( constant dreaming) snatching a few hours each night, I wake up tired, not a good start, prior to PD I was a very good sleeper , you have my sympathy nippermcc.
If you find out please let me know. What came first, the chronic fatigue syndrome or p.d.? I have a thought that CFS can be an early sign of p.d.! I have had CFS way before p.d. Dx. It's up to the experts to say
You don't mention what medication your on. One of the affects of PD is it lowers blood pressure over time as does certain medications. It only stands to reason you feel depressed because you feel crappy and there doesn't seem to be an answer. There are things your doctor can do if your fatigued is due to low blood pressure. Usually at night when our bodies are at rest is worse and in the morning from laying down all night. The other suggestion is try drinking a coffee around 2pm in the afternoon. I know it may sound strange but my doctor had me do it and helped. Good luck.
I have yopd. I have found that around the time of month when I develop pms symptoms (which are horrible with pd) I will do a juice cleanse for a day or 2 and my symptoms disappear. This includes depression and fatigue. The cleanse always wants me to take out coffee but I never do. I'll have a cup in the morning and another early afternoon like @mistydog1 suggests.