Has anyone used Melatonin for sleep.
Melatonin and Parkinson's: Has anyone used... - Cure Parkinson's
Melatonin and Parkinson's

I was and discovered that it was causing a gassy diarrhea so I do not recommend it long term.
Yes. The doc suggested 5mg per night, 1hour before bed. I also drink a cup of camomile tea in the evening. I'm sleeping better than I was but not sure if it's the melatonin- no side effects so I'll keep taking it.
My partner started taking 3mg time-release melatonin 3 months ago. Before starting, he had no problem getting to sleep at all but would wake every night at 3 to 4 a.m. and would be unable to sleep again. He felt an uncomfortable stiffness in his neck and shoulders, and could not stay flat in bed. He would get up and sit in the sofa with a cylindrical pillow behind his neck and would sometimes, after an hour or so, be able to finish his night there but mostly that was it and he was struggling with 4-5 hours sleep a night). After starting the melatonin, his sleep did not improve at first but after a month he did begin to sleep better. He also started to take the melatonin in the middle if the night when he woke and not before going to bed. We also bought a bed that allows the mattress to be inclined. He sleeps with the mattress inclined at the head by about 15 degrees and slightly inclined at the feet. He does still get up and sleep in the sofa 2-3 times a week when it is still too uncomfortable in bed but the melatonin seems to make it much easier to get back to sleep when he wakes in the middle of the night. He has recently started taking 10 mg time release melatonin but it is too early to say if there is any difference. I will let you know. I see an enormous difference in him when he has slept badly ( i.e his Parkinson symptoms are much worse) and trying to cut down on napping during the day has also helped.
I take 1-3 mg before bed. The only thing I notice is the bizarre dreams it seems to induce. I do wake up in the night if I have caffeine later in the day though.
I've been talking 3 mg of melatonin (by Source Naturals) at 7:25 pm plus 2 of 1 mg of melatonin which includes 100 mg of niacinamide and 5 mg of B6 (by Now Foods). Adding valerian root (475 mg, by Swanson) at 5:30 pm has been helpful, along with the melatonin. Red night lights in bathroom, kitchen, and bedroom are helpful, as is turning off computer by 5 pm. Plus at least some exercise during day.
I do. 10 mg every nite
Sasnak? Scottish term for British woman? Why do you ask about using melatonin? Having sleep troubles or something else? What is on your mind? I have taken melatonin before but not for a long time.
3 mg before bed. Works fine. Sleep well.
3 mg. Before bed with valerian, no caffeine after noon. Take a break once in a while
Turmeric ginger tea before bed as well. Don't forget coconut milk and 2 peppercorns and cinnamon
I am taking 3g every evening, 30 mn before going to bed and sleep a lot better with no side effect at all
Yes, for close to 2 years. It helps
Melatonin is a natural hormone secreted from the brain in the dark .brings us to sleep I took it years ago when the sleep problem was smaller. Then it stops helping .PD cause sleeping problems. I take a small amount of lev/car and a sleeping med
I do occasionally
As I understand if u take it regularly
Ur body will not produce
I've also come across PD music therapy !!
I take 2. 10 mg tabs. ...so 20 mg per night. Helps. I wasn't sleeping more than 4 hrs inturupted sleep. I saw an article here on this Web site from a Dr who said 60 to 100 mg melatonin is fine for PDers as we lose melatonin. Mine is time release with vit B6. It's better than sleeping pills.
INHO Melatonin should not be taken more than 30 days at a time. Pay attention to your sleep when you discontinue it. Your sleep may be impaired. Mine is. There is a school of thought that posits if you take a compound that your body produces, you cause your body to stop or reduce its own production. When you get sleepy, it signals part of your brain to produce melatonin which triggers other chemical reactions that lead to sleep. When you take melatonin, the signal to produce melatonin doesn't happen because your brain already has it. Your body doesn't know or care that it came from the outside. The same may be true for L-Dopa meds. which may explain in part why the doses must be continually increased.
I don’t know of a “solution.” Try a lot of different ones. Some will have less a rebound effect than others. I do still sometimes take sleep aids when I’m really sleep deprived, because the impaired sleep when I discontinue isn’t as bad as when my I go 4 or 5 days on 2 – 3 hours/night. I rotate sleep aids, i.e., one night Melatonin, next night Passion Flower, next Unisom.
I take 3 mg before bed with valerian. Take a day off once in a while. It works