Hi, Was just wondering if anyone experiences pain with Parkinson. I have Bradykenisis on my left side. No tremors, yet. I experience a lot of pain running down my neck and shoulder on the left side only. I have a massage once a week and that helps, a lot. I also go the gym 3 x a week to do my fast walking on the treadmill plus some of the weight machines. It seems that the exercise takes away any relief I get from the massage. I'm in a pickle!! Any thoughts??
Shoulder pain: Hi, Was just wondering if... - Cure Parkinson's
Shoulder pain

My husband was diagnosed w/PD 8 years ago. He doesn't have too many tremors yet, I have no idea if he will experience them as bad as others w PD. He does have pain with it. Shoulder, neck, leg, & hip pain. PD meds help with some of the pain, but his neck & shoulder pain & stiffness continue. He gets massages too which help temporarily. He seems to have problems with exercise too, but keeps at it anyway. Here's a link to an article on The Parkinson's Disease Foundation site you might find helpful: pdf.org/en/winter04_05_pain...
Thanks ParkinsonSpouse. Excellent article.
I don't know your situation but pain and exercise go hand in hand. My meds get me to maybe 80% which is good but if I push myself I have found that Medical Cannabis helps a whole lot for pain, anxiety and sleep. I do believe that those are some of the symptoms of Parkinson's.
Cyclobenzaprine worked real good for about 3 years.
Some PWP experience significant pain associated with PD. This seems to be associated PD related muscle stiffness. A hint is if the pain intensity synchronized with your levadopa schedule: lowest pain approx. 1 hour after meds, max pain when you are "off".
Mechanical: many PWP have trouble turning over in bed. Are you cramping your left shoulder or arm by your sleeping position?
IT MAY NOT BE PD: your description matches a classic warning sign of a cardiovascular problem.
Good Luck with your detective work!
Hi. BG. Not all exercise is the same. You might try troubleshooting this by doing just one type of exercise - such as, the treadmill - one day. Do the weightsz the next day. Then keep track if you feel more rundown after one more than the other. If so, find another exercise to replace it.e
I also have non-tremor dominant pd. My experience is that cycling, walking, swimming and dance feel good. They rejuvenate me - all the movement seems restorative. But when I do heavy lifting - either at the gym or in my yard -- the straining wears me out, fast.
Wonder if that's universally true of all PWP or just those of us with one-sided rigidity/non-tremor dominant pd...
Hi Motal, you bring up some good points. It could be the weights and then again it could be walking on the treadmill. My balance isn't great so I struggle to keep myself upright which might be causing stress to build up in my neck and shoulder area. I certainly don't feel rejunvenated when I'm done! Time to try something else. Thanks
I had these pains down my neck and shoulder for 8 years until i was diagnosed and started treatment. I have tremor dominant pd. the pain is largely resolved with levadopa carbidopa. My lower back pain has gone too. I dont have any ideas about why exercise aggravates this for you but as you get more familiar with the meds you may get better relief. I think dopamine agonists are good for muscular pain. They are controversial, some people hate them.
When my hands and arms shake a lot the muscles in arms and shoulders ache. Legs ache when muscles have to wake up from sitting too long. I take 2 Celebrex each day, without it I am miserable. I used to lift weights , (ok that was along time ago, I looked like Johnny Weissmuller) but I can not do it now and see no benefit to it at this stage. I suggest that you stay the course but drop the weights and concentrate on cardiovascular. Most weight training is a series of breaking down muscle and building it back up and it is inherently painful.

Gymbag, I think your right about the weights. I will explore other cardiovascular exercises besides the tread mill. Thanks
Amantadine has helped me with ldopa induced dyskinesia
Which has relieved the muscle pain I was having in my left leg & foot
Has he had an MRI ? Maybe it's not due to PD ?
Orrrrr maybe try a muscle relaxer
I hope this helps
Thanks Cbgs, You may be right about it not being PD. I will suggest an MRI at my next neuro appt.
For three years i had pain in my right shoulder before i was diagnosed of Parkinson with minimal tremor.
Yes it has disappeared.
For my shoulder pain the pd therapist gave me completely different exercises than the previous non-pd therapists did. basically the new exercises were to swing my arms from a down position to an up position in front of me (as far as I could swing up) ten times (do three sets) . Next do then ten times with the arms swinging out the side ( as far as you can go up 90degrees from the other exercise) also three sets.
Try boxing. The stretching that they do helps stretch the shoulder muscles out and the rapid-firing of the punches increases strength and coordination. I have far less shoulder pain than I did before boxing. Rock Steady boxing is in a lot of different cities now. Google it to find the location.
'Evening Burlingtongal! To answer your question about pain and shoulder issues succinctly, yes; My left shoulder freezing at age 35, which is now more than a decade ago, was one of the first signs something was amiss. This continued until, through normal activity and working out like yourself, I sustained a torn labrum. I had surgery and at the time the orthopedist thought it was a sucess; But over time, the issue got worse and so did the pain. It was at this time my left-hand tremor became more pronounced, so I saw a neurologist who ordered a DAT-spect imaging, which confirmed what he suspected...early adult onset Parkinson's disease. I have the associated pain and not just in the shoulder, but I keep going and stay in shape. Sounds like you're doing all the right things, but perhaps getting an MRI on the shoulder might help. Parkinson's starts unilaterally typically, which it has for me and my shoulder is not my only limb affected. Best wishes to you fine Lady! Johnny