Had a thought, what if the bits in our brain that are dying are not malfunctioning but shutting down because of they incorrectly sense that we have too much dopamine in our system.
Dopamine Dope: Had a thought, what if the... - Cure Parkinson's
Dopamine Dope

I used to work as a technician for a compounding pharmacist/clinician who makes/ works with natural hormone replacement. Her suggestion was to use the Rx 6 days then one day off to keep the body engaged in the process of creating it's own. Somehow I think this is related on some level to what you are saying. ? There is just so much that is unknown about how everything works ( or doesn't ) -
John Gray thinks taking dopamine stops our body making various necessary elements in the process of making our own dopamine. youtu.be/tibPjgHsFi8
I have a 14 hour gap between my third dose of the day and my first dose of the next day. This is also supposed to be good. I was diagnose 7 years ago.
We really need to know that cause of the condition but the real issue is that it is such an individual disease . there is not one treatment for one condition but you are all treated individually and respond individually to treatments. Therefore the cause is unlikely to be one cause. If the brain becomes overloaded with drugs when you are treated you have various symptoms such as on dystonia dyskinesia's or postural hypotension. without Parkinsons when we say "we cant think straight" usually because we are tired or after along day at work that often indicates that our dopamine levels have decreased. when we are "high" or euphoric" we are running too fats and need to calm down that is the dopamine overload in the system. So your theory could be correct on some way
A fascinating disease really. I think that it has something do do with attention deficit. This sounds weird, but sometimes if I engage my husband in really stimulating conversation I can temporarily stop his brain from drifting off and shutting down. Unfortunately I'm not that interesting all the time LOL. He has a major sleep disorder, which is what he presented with at 50....sooooooo sleepy...Like he was just Off all the time. It seems to impact the part of the brain that makes you want to be alive, to set goals, to motivate, desire, all the best things in life. He is not depressed, he is just "off"...and docs seem to want to pump PD patients up with anti depressants but very few ever commit suicide based on stats...so I don't think that they are depressed at all, they just look and act depressed to average people...because they are shut Off.
You are referring to apathy it's different from depression and does not respond for antidepressants .
Thanks Gimba, living alone I can easily go into Shut Off mode and don't really want to engage with people and stuff. I often want to cancel plans I have with friends thinking I won't enjoy things . But fortunately I don't and usually have a lovely time as long as there's an activity or exhibition or show to engage with. Talking about problems either theirs or mine is not generally good for my brain or mood. Making a meal together or walking is better.
Your idea is similar to the rationale set forth by Marty Hinz et al (eg, 2016). ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/271...
The researchers call attention to three adverse factors: primary effects of PD, adverse effects of taking L-dopa at therapeutic levels, adverse effects of carbidopa.
The three factors are negatively synergistic. See figure 1.