tremor help? Sound waves: - Cure Parkinson's
tremor help? Sound waves

Trials in the US and Japan have already shown that the technique, applied under local anaesthetic, reduces the severity of tremors by at least 80 per cent. In future, experts hope to use the treatment to tackle other conditions which cause tremors, including Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis.
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What we are talking about here is HIFU: High Intensity Focused Ultrasound. This technology has been around for a while and is used to destroy unwanted tissue such as tumors. For obvious reasons this needs to be used very carefully when applied to the brain. Not saying it can't or shouldn't be done, but personally I would choose to wait a while before trying it.
I saw a guy getting it done on BBC World today! Parkinson's left him unable to write because he shook so bad. After his treatment (I don't know how much time had elapsed but his head was shaved for the procedure and when they came back to find out how well it worked he had a full head of hair) he was a happy man and his hand no longer shook. The narrator said the effect should be permanent.
I was in the clinical trial for focused ultrasound. I failed the skull density part. Head not dense enough. Theyre working on a solution. I believe it's the way to go. I think it will replace surgery.
When the sonic wave ( Sound wave) propagates along the meridian, it creates dynamic energy to accelerate Qi flow in our body. The forceful Qi flow helps to cleanse the clogged meridian, discharge toxins and deliver nutrients to the whole body. With sufficient Qi, an aging organ will be replenish from low to high functioning organ. Each meridian has its own frequency. Resonance occur when sound waves deliver the same frequency as human meridian. It clears the meridians and micro circulation is smoothed. Overall performance of the various organs will be improved.
Man after my own heart. Did you go to site? Her books are free for the download very interesting. She is a doctor of Oriental medicine and wrote very informative books on Parkinsons. Mary
microcirculation. Tell me more? I have/use a BEMER product that claims to increase micro circulation. Using it daily on lowest setting, although i should p probably increase the level. microcirculation help everything... but i never heard anyone mention it breeds you. tell me more?
microcirculation. Tell me more? I have/use a BEMER product that claims to increase micro circulation. Using it daily on lowest setting, although i should probably increase the level. microcirculation helps everything... but i never heard anyone mention it besides you. tell me more?
healthabc does the BEMER help you? I have a friend who is involved with this on a business level, and she suggested my Parkie, Ron, try it. I'm very interested!
"Does it work" you ask...
It helps me to fall asleep, for sure. I m not utilizing it to its full potential, however.Its an expensive machine and I actually could use some customer service so I can use it to its full potential. As for now, no tremor help-
I have continued my quest- I am in the midst of trying the vibe-acoustic chair...!! 1st visit was very soothing, as if I just finished a yoga class....