Does anyone know of something you can eat quickly that will offset the nausea when taking levodopa carbidopa?
Nausea: Does anyone know of something you... - Cure Parkinson's

they say ginger snaps work or try licking salt out of your hand
More carbadopa.
Yes, a 25 mg. carbidopa once a day. My guess is it wouldn't take but a week or two.
When a friend of mine had this problem she broke the sinemet in half and took it more often. It solved the problem.
Sometimes I eat a candy called Gin Gin, similar to taking a bit of ginger.
I was prescribed domperidone to take when I tried for the third time to start c/l, it helped alot.
Finally after 2 years, my third and present neurologist prescribed ODT carb/levo. ODT is Oral Dissolving Tablet. Took care of my nausea immediately. The tablet dissolves in your mouth, you do not swallow it whole. After dosing, I take 1/2 glass of water. I take 3 tablets every 4 hours usually on an empty stomach or with 1-2 saltine crackers.
In the morning I ALWAYS eat before the carbi/levadopa. ALWAYS! If I don't I start to feel dizzy and sweaty and feint and pukey. 2nd and 3rd doses don't make me feel like this.
Neither Levodopa nor any other Pd medication was designed to cure Pd. Nor ar any of them able to reverse any of the symptoms of Pd. If levodopa does nothing for any of your symptoms and it gives you nausea then stop taking it. You might have to do that slowly, but do it!
John you should not be advising people to not take their medication. This is not good advice.
'Nauzene - Wild Cherry chewables' sold at Walmart in USA for $5 for 40 in the children's medicine section. It works in less than five minutes.
I carry it with me all the time. Seems like it would benefit those on chemo too.
Try ginger ale, ginger tea, ginger candy, or even any carbonated beverage which will allow you to burp
Saltine crackers and ginger ale.
Yes -- a cracker. A Saltine cracker. I learned this trick 40+ years ago when I was pregnant and it works for me.
Take a glass of cold creamy milk before you take the LD/CD and with the meds instead of water.
I was having a terrible time when I first started taking LD/CD and I asked an old drug store pharmacist . He said that generally we should not consume protien too close to this medication but that milk protien was OK. I still drink milk with the LD/CD but now I am passing Kidney stones and I am being told 3 servings of dairy a day max. 1 measured cup of milk = one serving so I save all my dairy servings to take with the LD/CD.
I find that Saltine Crackers help a lot. Eat a couple before you take a pill and a couple of crackers after you have had a pill.
Preserved ginger is my favourite, warm lemon ginger drink does the trick.