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My husband was diagnosed with Parkinson's approximately 10 years ago. He is seeing a Movement Disorder Specialist and has gone through the Big Loud Therapy. He is 72 years old and was an avid bicyclist. After giving it up for 9 years on the recommendation of his first neurologist, we are trying to get back into a more active lifestyle. I am so happy to have found this website and look forward to reading and sharing stories.


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Welcome to the group. I like the interaction and news about the experience of others. And this group participation does not require travel to meeting site. I am 69 years old and dx four years ago.

I was fast walking 45 minutes 4 - 5 days a week. After stopping for several months and then starting again I find it takes me 10 more minutes to walk the same distance. I am going to use timing as a measure of my progression.

I have little faith in some of the diet and supplement advice herein following my experience with said suggestions.

The only medication taken at present is amantadine for tremors.

Boyce3600 profile image
Boyce3600 in reply to

Does that control the tremors or lessen them to a great degree?

in reply to Boyce3600

It was prescribed and recommended only three weeks ago. The movement specialist/neurologist suggested I start one (100mg) capsule shortly before bedtime. (My request was to stop the tremors to help me get to sleep). He said do this for one week then move to one capsule twice a day. I decided to go two weeks before increasing the dose. That decision made after reading in this forum that it may take two or three weeks for this med to kick in.

I am now in the third week, two caps per day, and will do this for two or three weeks then drop back to one cap per day. After this course I will have a best opinion of this drug and its effect.

It has not stopped the right arm tremor but both my wife and I notice some reduction in the tremors. It is easier for me to go off to sleep at night.

Hikoi profile image
Hikoi in reply to

The usual dose my neuro said is 3 per day. When I took it - I began on 1 tab day and i noticed good effect in 48 hrs hope you get similar relief Roy.

in reply to Hikoi

Did your tremors stop totally? I still tremor at 2 a day.

Amantadine are costly. One dollar a capsule if my memory is correct.

I want to eventually take only one capsule a day. It is at night that the tremor bothers me most at present progress.

Hikoi profile image
Hikoi in reply to

I'm not currently taking it but yes stopped themfor a while but I have always had it with levadopa. So it was the two meds together I would say.j


in reply to Hikoi

Yes, Levadopa is reported as necessary. Which for now I do not want to take.

It is disappointing to learn amantadine will eventually lose its effectiveness.


Hikoi profile image
Hikoi in reply to

When do u plan to take c/l Roy?

in reply to Hikoi

When progression is unbearable

in reply to

Thank you! Yes, I agree the interaction and information is a great support without having to travel. It seems exercise is a strong component in trying to keep the effects of Parkinsons from coming on sooner. I would like to believe diet and supplements would help as well. (wishful thinking I know)


Enidah profile image

Bravo! Hang in there with the bike riding. I was diagnosed three and a half years ago and am 65 years old and when I first got back into bike riding a few years ago it was hard and very precarious feeling. But I got better and better the longer I did it and it seems like great exercise for people with PD. Good luck!

in reply to Enidah

Thank you!

Bazillion profile image

68 diagnosed with PD 4 1/2 yrs ago.As a lifelong racing cyclist would find it hard to give up the bike.Try to get 2 x 40-50km rides a week weather permitting(used to do 40-50 miles plus but whose counting!)Just bought a new second hand Giant and loving it. Lot of research done on bike riding and PD all good .

David Phinney is an ax racing cyclist and has a website David Phinney foundation lots of good advice.Also you may like this clip on you tube

Cycling for Freezing Gait in Parkinson's Disease

You might also find the book

The New Parkinsons Treatment Exercise is Medicine

Very helpful.

Wish you both all the best for the future

in reply to Bazillion

Thank you for the suggestions! I love that video with the man cycling and showing the freezing gait. Our previous neurologist would have NOTHING to say about it-wouldn't even listen. He really wasted 7 years of our lives (I have to get over my anger about it). I just ordered the book, "The New Parkinsons Treatment Excercise is Medicine".

Thank you for the suggestion about David Phinney! I have been involved in fund raising with TNT for lymphoma and have often wondered if there was anything for Parkinsons. I have tried to fundraise through Michael J Fox but lived in an area there was not an active chapter set up. Great to see the David Phinney has activities nearby.

Bazillion profile image
Bazillion in reply to

Well you didn't let the gras grow! Well done. What country are you in ? If it's the Uk can send some more info .

in reply to Bazillion

We are in the U.S. California to be more specific. I appreciate all the info you can send :)

jeeves19 profile image
jeeves19 in reply to

Davis Phinney - whilst a fine man - is debatable as a role model for the effects of cycling. From what I've heard he's not in a great place currently with the PD (I may be wrong). People like Nan Little (via the protocol suggested by the Cleveland Clinic) appear to have the formula more scientifically structured and have done very well. Read her book, it's available on Amazon. Formula appears to be 3/4 times weekly, for about 50 minutes and riding - as near as you can - at an RPM of between 80/90. It's the speed of the legs which is thought to make the difference. I find that the exercise bike in the gym allows me to ride at this rate long term, but when I'm on the road, I have to constantly be stopping and negotiating.

in reply to jeeves19

Thank you! I have just ordered this book on Amazon as well! If I Can Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro, Why Can't I Brush My Teeth? by Nan Little. Good to know about the RPM and gives us an activity to engage in while in the gym.

Great! I hope Davis Phinney is doing ok. His website is so inspirational.

in reply to

Thank you for the explanation. 😄

Bazillion profile image
Bazillion in reply to jeeves19

I was referring to The Davis Phinney Foundation a non-profit with a mission to help people with Parkinson's live well with the disease. It was founded in 2004 by Davis Phinney, the former professional road bicycle racer and Olympic medal winner. Phinney was diagnosed with young-onset Parkinson's disease in 2000 at the age of 40.[1] Today, Davis is an inspirational figure in the cycling community and people living with Parkinson's (estimated 60,000 Americans and estimated 10 million worldwide

beang profile image

Ten years of intense exercise at rocksteadyboxing.org gym has made a huge difference for me. There are a number of locations throughout CA. Hopefully there is one near you. Let me know if I can help.

in reply to beang

Rock Steady Boxing!! You have been in on the ground floor! Exciting and I have heard about the program. My husband just finished the Big Loud Therapy and I will look into the nearest locations. 10 years says a lot. Thank you!

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