Anyone know what this is? I must have signed up for the information on a “bad” day (i don’t remember signing up) because i received a call from a very nice man yesterday who spent an hour reviewing my situation and suggested i might look into Gocovri or Apokyn for off times and mild dyskinesia…and that he would pass this on to my MDS.
Then i thought…maybe this is a site that tries to steer patients to try these new, expensive meds!! Is this really a backed by the pharmaceutical companies?
Anyone know if this is so? I looked through the website, there’s no “about us” saying who is behind it, who are the founders, just a “mission” section that tells a story about a PD patient climbing a mountain with their support. The only name mentioned is Dr Rajeev Kumar, head of a movement disorders center in Colorado, as their medical director.
Anyone know who these people are? His website says his center is a “leader” in treating movement disorders. I tend to be trusting and sometimes naive, especially when i haven’t slept and feel like crap.
Anyone know who these people are? Did i sign up fir something shady?