A few days ago I read a great post about Qigong exercises with pictures of how to do them. Now I can't find it and I wanted to print it out. Could someone guide me back to that post or could the author repost, please?
Qigong link, please: A few days ago I read... - Cure Parkinson's
Qigong link, please

in the top right hand corner is a search box just type in Qigong and hit search.
Did you see the post on this site? Or somewhere else? Was it pictures or video/youtube? There's lots of Qigong/Parkinson's info and video out there, most popular and effective for PD seems to be Zhineng Qigong
It was on this site, but it was a link from a post to more information. Wish I could retrieve it. This sender had still photos and descriptions of how to do simple exercises.
I'm not sure if this is the one you saw, but if you scroll all the way down, this gentleman demonstrates the Qigong exercises he uses to reverse his symptoms. The videos are great because they are simple and clear and pretty easy to follow. He also has other advice on his site and is selling his services as a coach along with other materials.
Go to qigong Lee Holden. He's ths best!